Author Topic: Almost 9mo old EASY needs tweaking and I'm lost!  (Read 942 times)

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Almost 9mo old EASY needs tweaking and I'm lost!
« on: August 02, 2014, 23:29:58 pm »
I've been at this whole BW for a few rounds now and I like to think I generally have a clue as to when/how to tweak an EASY. But this time I am just not getting it right!

We took ages to get into a good EASY a few months ago but we grew it with her and were getting decent, 1h15-2h naps a couple of times a day since we dropped the CN. About a month ago we serially dropped the swaddle, paci and then constant nighttime nursing sessions. That was fun! :P But we have come a long way since then. We have gone from 10-12 NWs to 2 NFs. She has been waking many nights one other time but DH can usually get her back pretty quickly.

Daytime has been tough the last week or so, though. She started taking short naps maybe a week or 10d ago so I know she needs a routine change. I have been trying different A times and I just can't get back to those two good naps. I'm not sure what to do from here. She had been doing 2h40 for first A, then 3h for second A. I know that's short for her age but she's always been low on the A times and it had been working. Over the last week I've pushed the first A as far as 3h15 and the second as far as 3h30 to see if I was drastically underestimating her needs, but the farther I pushed the worse it seemed to be. I really do think she's on the low end of the scale for A times.

Oh so no props really, anymore. She is teething for sure but nights are going ok and it doesn't seem to bother her a ton during the day. I have given her ibuprofen at BT a couple of times. But I don't think it's affecting her naps. She is on the brink of crawling so that is one thing.

I haven't been writing things down as well as I should but here's what I remember from the last few days...


A: 625
S: 955
A: 955
S: 11:55
A: 155
S: 500
A: 535
S: 750/8


A: 620
S: 915
A: 1030
S: 200 (went up at 140 but she was wide awake and giggling, then hit a wall and screamed and screamed, went down at 2)
A: 235 (couldn't resettle)
S: 435
A: 520
S: 750 (after another battle)


A: 655
S:  950 (needed to be resettled at around 1020 or 1030)
A: 1210
S: 325 (easy to put down)
A: 400 (could not resettle)
S: went up at 555 and she finally went down at 645

Phew. Also, she is still screaming at every nap/BT. We usually have to do shh/pat with some PUPD. I really thought by now this would be getting better from the prop weaning. We are trying to wean the shh/pat over the last few days and I do think we're getting somewhere with that. I am laying her down half away after NFs and she doesn't cry at all and rolls over and goes to sleep.

Sorry for the novel but figured I'd try to answer questions I know I would ask me! ;) I'd appreciate any thoughts at all about what to try next.


Offline nevinsmama

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Re: Almost 9mo old EASY needs tweaking and I'm lost!
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2014, 12:35:50 pm »
Oh argh! I remember 9 months being lousy for sleep! I wonder if it is a combination of that new skill coming up and maybe the very beginnings of this:From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)
What do you think? Is it possible that all that crawling practice is distracting her from teeth pain and she needs more help in that area with whatever you choose? WRT A times I would not go below 3.5 for a LO this age myself. Keep us posted! I was sure I was have LO2 ALL figured out and that was NOT the case, they can be so different! :)



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Re: Almost 9mo old EASY needs tweaking and I'm lost!
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2014, 12:50:38 pm »
Ugh I can't imagine dealing with the 2-to-1 alreaady! But I suppose it's possible. I will try giving her lots of time for crawling practice in A time. :) 3.5h just resulted in such a total OT baby and short napping. :/