My son just turned 8-months. He is an independent sleeper, STTN usually 11 hours, 2 naps of usually 1-1.5 hrs each. Just this week, he's started waking up between 5-5:30 rather than 6:30am. Our EASY the past few days is below:
5:30 wake (calm, sucking thumb)
E 6-6:30 bottle
A breakfast 8-8:30
S 9-10:30 (usually wakes up between 1-1.5 hours. If not, I cap nap at 1.5 hours)
E 10:30-11 bottle
A lunch 12-12:30
S 2-3:30 (usually takes 1-1.25 hr nap, rarely needs to be capped, will sometimes take 45 min nap)
E 3:30-4 bottle
A dinner 5-5:30
S bath at 6:30, bottle and bedtime usually between 7:15-7:30
So far, I've played around with his A time. He can last anywhere from 3.25-3.75 hours of A time. How do I get him back to his previous wake time of 6:30 am? Should I try to go for a later BT?
Thanks so much!