Author Topic: Early wake for 8-month old  (Read 9393 times)

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #105 on: September 05, 2014, 14:53:31 pm »
Actually it was mainly because he used to fall asleep in the way home from playgroup in the buggy and he just started to take longer to drop off. It is a 20 minute walk starting at 3pm-ish and he went from falling asleep the second he got in the buggy to leave to falling asleep somewhere along the route to being sleepy as we arrived home so I walked around the block until he dropped off. Then he stopped falling asleep in the buggy at all and I had to put him in the cot when we got home which meant he didn't get to sleep until 3.30pm. I think it was as he was needing a longer A time and was less and less tired at 3pm.

I was actually looking back at my old birth club posts from 12-15mo last night (to get the right timings to post here for you) and I noticed that as soon as the BT got to 7.30pm he started easily going back to sleep at the 5-5.30am NW/EW and getting up for the day after 7am. :) that was mostly the end of our EWs. These days btw (just 3yo) he sttn 7.30pm - 7am ish with no nap (dropped the nap 2 months ago). So there is hope :)
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #106 on: September 08, 2014, 05:25:30 am »
We are still working out her day EASY after the A the growth spurt. (and is still in WW period)
Now she can go for 3h15-3h30 and nap ok.
But the NW are better. She only wakes 2-4times and most days EW is not an issue.
What I`ve noticed and made the whole difference is if I miss her first sighs of tiredness at BT she wakes early for DF and has more NWs and EW.

How are things with you Newbie? I remember you said at one point that BT for your lo is 10pm so maybe EW is because of OT there too?

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #107 on: September 08, 2014, 15:34:15 pm »
Hi there!

Ali...thanks for your reply. Glad to know there is hope! 7:30-7...that's the dream! Lol!

Dache...I'm glad the NW are getting better. Things are pretty much the same on my end. I've been trying to make the nap consistent at 10am no matter what time LO wakes up in the morning. Today he woke up at 6am, yesterday he woke up at 5:30am but we still made the naptime the same. His BT is still 7pm. Sometimes, he gets really wired and takes more time to wind down. This makes him OT, I think.

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #108 on: September 08, 2014, 19:17:13 pm »
I found that playing music in the background helps during wind down.
 I use "baby sleep instant" app but any classical music will do the trick, especially if she is OT.
And if she wakes early in the morning I play the music and I dont even have to get out of my bed (this doesn't always work, but even sometimes its enough :D )
WW was hard. According to the calendar she is still in that phase but its much better.