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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2014, 17:04:10 pm »
Newbie, capping the second nap would mean that he would have had 2h of day sleep which unless he is SLN baby is not enough in my opinion and you can get nw because of OT.
As for bt I think the idea is to push it further further as the ew gets letter (at least it should)

We had a bad reflux day but other wise, we did ok. She had a short nap in the morning 45minutes, as I said before, I managed to push this one a little bit more today. The second one was at 1.00-3.15. She woke up after at 2.15 but went back to sleep on her own.
I managed to push bt today until 6.45. She wasnt very OT so I hope she wont wake up after one sleep cycle.

Fx for a no night wakings tonight (a girl can dream, cant she?! :D )
Good luck ladies. Sending you lot of sttn vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Offline Newbiemommy001

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2014, 22:33:54 pm »
Well, LO woke up after 45 mins with his 2nd nap. It saved me having to make a decision on capping it or letting him just sleep through. I probably needed to extend his second A time to 3.75 hrs instead of 3.5. In any case, we're off to another early BT. Hopefully he wakes up later tomorrow.

So...assuming LO sleeps for another 11 hrs (which is what is typical for him), that means he will wake up still at 5:30-5:45pm with a BT of 6:30pm. Do I just keep pushing the first nap further? Today, he did 4hrs and 10 mins. Or do I push the second A time further? I really want him to go back to sleeping until 6:30am.   ???

Our EASY today
5:45am Awake
S 10-11:20am
S 2:50-3:35
In crib by 6:45pm but slept around 7:15...undertired?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 03:41:56 am by Newbiemommy001 »

Offline dache

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2014, 08:25:06 am »
Newbie,first let me say, whatever I advice its just a guess, Im in the same boat as you and trying to work things out. So all my suggestions are what I have read worked or what worked for us in the past. So mods are quite welcomed to correct me if Im wrong.   

I dont remember if you ever said have you tried feeding him when he wakes up early? Did he went back to sleep?
For us, at one point when she was ot because of many sleepless night, I tried feeding her when she woke up at 5 putting her back to sleep and moving wu at 7 or 8. She got some rest which meant that we can go about the day with out no fuss .This meant that she can have longer A time with out getting ot and managed to get normal time for bt.

We had a good night. She still woke up at just before 9(feed). Then 11.20 and went back to sleep with just the paci. She then woke up at 2.30 for a feed and I think that was it for the night. She might have woken up but I havent noticed. Im saying this because she was a bit fussy and was sleepy at 9. Managed to postpone the nap until 9.40.
Feeding more solids, early bt and postponing the naps a little bit is working. So we still have unwanted wakings but they are down to 2-3. Idk if I said before but she was waking up every 30minutes or so, and was having hard time going back to sleep, even with a feed.
And if you read any of my other posts we`ve had quite a lot bumps. Its not all perfect, but at least its getting better. So keep up, you will see results. If I am I can assure you you will too.

Offline Newbiemommy001

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2014, 10:11:37 am »
Well, it looks like it's back to square one for us today. Sigh! LO woke up at 5:45am even though he finally fell asleep at 7:15pm last night. So I'm not sure if he can make it to a later first nap. I will still try. Is it possible that LO's night sleep needs has decreased?

@dache...I totally get your point.  :) We are all guessing with our LOs right? No, I don't feed LO when he wakes up early. He hasn't had a night feed in several months. When he wakes up, he just lies there waiting for us to get him. He used to babble and coo so we could hear him through the monitor. Ever since he discovered thumbsucking, that's what he does while playing with his lovey.

I'm completely at a loss now on how to deal with this. I will push for the first nap to be no earlier than 10am. However, what do I do with the second nap? Do I push it later? Or do I push BT later? He seemed UT last night when we put him down on the crib. It took him 30 mins to fall asleep. Any suggestions?

Offline Newbiemommy001

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2014, 11:11:12 am »
I'm completely eating my words right now. Just as I posted my reply above, hubby went to check in LO at 6:15am and found him sleeping...sleeping! I guess when I peeked at 5:45am, he was just stirring and trying to fall back asleep. LO woke up between 6:30-6:45am. Unbelievable!!! Hoping this is not a fluke! So my game plan has changed then. I'll push his first nap to 10:45am at the earliest capping at 1.5hrs if he doesn't wake up on his own, cap 2nd nap at 45 mins and push BT a little later at 7-7:15am. Does that make sense?'re absolutely right in saying if we keep it up, we'll see some results. Fingers crossed LOs will continue to show progress. was your night? LO still good?

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2014, 19:37:28 pm »
Oh sounds good!
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline dache

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #36 on: August 10, 2014, 07:46:03 am »
well, that was a bad night. Bt was 7 and no wu at 8 or 9.  Df at 10.30 and slept until 2.30 when I fed her.That wast good.
But after that she woke up a few times, finally at 5.20. I left her in the cot but she didnt went back to sleep.
I`d say its an expected regression but I do believe its my fault. I took her to the doctors after the first nap (9.50-11.10). And we stayed out until 5.15.So she napped in the stroller for 10 minutes at 2.00 and then another 15minutes at 5.00.

Newbie, that was something I thinking to tell you but forgot to mention. Some regression is expected, Tracy says it in her books. But if you are consistent things will continue to improve.
How was your night?

Offline Newbiemommy001

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2014, 12:49:45 pm »
Well, we definitely took two steps back yesterday. We started out great but we had to abandon our EASY because LO had an allergic reaction to eggs. We had to bring him to the emergency department. I had to rock him for his first nap while we he was under observation. So he only took at 40-min nap. I just let him take a long second nap which ended up being 2 hours (2:30-4:30pm). We pushed BT to 7:30 pm and he slept at about 8pm since he was UT from that second nap. He woke up at 5am this morning. Sigh! My plan is to push the first nap to 9:30am if I can. We will do an early BT tonight too. Hopefully, it will get better.

Thanks dache for telling me about regression. Now that you mention it, I do recall it in Tracy's book. I'll keep it in mind when LO doesn't improve.

Good luck to us. We need sleeping fairy dust sprinkled on our LOs tonight!

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2014, 13:10:22 pm »
Oh, Newbie, how scary. If I were you I would have not been able to put lo down at all, not for naps, not for nothing.
How is he now?
You do abandon easy when something like this happens. Not only the naps but the whole EASY. It will be best to let him recover a few days before you continue to make any changes. You can try and do your best to keep your routine.

Offline Newbiemommy001

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #39 on: August 10, 2014, 13:31:41 pm »
It was really scary. I actually slept in his room. Probably why he also woke up early because he saw me on the floor.

He's okay now. We were given a prescription for an epi-pen just as a precaution. He didn't have an anaphylactic reaction. It was hives all over his face but I'm glad that we have an epi-pen just in case. He was also prescribed dexamethasone which we're to give for the next 4 days. The pharmacist told us that insomnia is one of the side effects of this drug. No wonder because LO didn't have a hard time reaching 4.5 hrs of activity time. I'll try to keep to his routine but give him a lot of room to deviate from it.

Offline dache

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2014, 19:00:00 pm »
Oh, hun, so sorry you had this big scare. And poor lo too.
Im glad the allergy its been managed. Was this the first time you gave him egg? Was it whole or just the yolk? Here its recommended to give first tiny bit of the yolk, if that`s ok you move on to give 1/8 then 1/4 then 1/2 then the whole yolk and the white part of the you give after one year.
My lo has lactose intolerance. That`s why we have so many issues. I remember when I took her to the doctors when she was 3weeks old. I held her at least 6h straight. I`d put her down for the doctors to check her up but then pick her up immediately. My mum kept asking to hold her, but I just couldnt let go, I knew if I did I`d fell apart.
And now, while on vacation I didnt hear her crying after bt. When I got to her she was very upset, I felt so bad I didnt wanted to put her down, even when she was calmed down and almost asleep. So I moved the cot in the living room, where I could see and hear her all the time, and I slept there with her.
So I understand the need to to sleep in his room very well. I hope that the lo dosnt have bad side effects form the meds. I do know about dexamethasone. Can you maybe ask if your doctor is ok with you giving him B6, that`s what our doctor suggested so that lo can get some rest from all the crying.
I hope you both get some rest now. Let me know how things are going.

Offline Newbiemommy001

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2014, 15:14:49 pm »
Thanks dache. Yes, it was our first time to give him egg. He had some egg yolk. I'll ask his paediatrician for a referral to an allergist. We're so paranoid now. I guess that's normal.

In any case, it seems like we're back to the norm of waking up at 5:30am. I haven't been capping his second nap but LO would wake up on his own after 45 mins. First nap remains at about 1.5 hours to a max of 2. Today, I was able to push his first nap to 9:50am with minimal fuss. We're still doing early BT of 6:30-6:45pm. Although yesterday, he didn't sleep until 7:15 even though he was in his crib at 6:45pm. Fingers crossed things will improve.

How are you ladies doing? Hope LOs are sleeping well!!!

Offline Gosia M.

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #42 on: August 11, 2014, 18:47:39 pm »
hi girls!

I see you had some bad adventures last weekend :( hope all will end up well!

As for our days it seems that Marcin progressed over our weekend away. He woke up 6.45 on Saturday and I had to wake him up at 7 on Sunday!!! Both nights BT @ 20.10. He slept 30mins in the morning at 10 and woke up himself plus 2:10-15 in the afternoon. Our eating times went a bit messy over the past 2 days since everything moved forward and I had to squeeze some feeds.

Today I think we had some regression but not dramatic. DS woke up 6am and started crying after usual 40mins... so he was tired by 9 already. I pushed his nap to 9.40. He slept again 00:30 + 2:10 but since his 2nd nap ended 15.20 and he started the day early he was already tired by 6.15pm. So today he fell asleep at 19.50 with some signs of OT :( we'll see go it goes...

Hope your days improve soon!!!

Offline dache

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #43 on: August 11, 2014, 19:22:31 pm »
Well that went horribly wrong!!!
We were out for the first nap. She napped only 10-15minutes and wouldnt go back to sleep, not even in her cot.
Then second nap was fine. She slept for 2h. And again while we were out to get fromula she had dozed off in the stroller, 10-15minutes I think, I didnt noticed.
She was still tiered so I started bt routine at 7 and she was ready for bed at 7.40.
Then all of a sudden she wu at 8,or not wu but started crying in her sleep. I tired calming her down but it only made things worse because she hates being picked up after she is put down at bt.
I tried calming her, noting worked.She could barely hold her head but she was fighting sleep with all her strength.
Finally I put her down at 9 and she didnt cry. I think she might be asleep now.
But wow what a day.
I hope that she will get good night rest to make it up (me too :))

Offline Newbiemommy001

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Re: Early wake for 8-month old
« Reply #44 on: August 12, 2014, 10:45:13 am »
Hi Gosia! I'm glad Marcin is progressing well. A 7am wake-up! That's amazing!

Hi dache! Sorry to hear that you had a rough day. Sigh! Fingers crossed it gets better soon.

Our day yesterday was ok. He still woke up at 5:30am yesterday morning but I was able to push the first nap to 9:50am. I had to cap the nap at 1.5 hours. Second nap at around 2:50pm and we capped it at 1hr since we attended a baby class which he got tired from. We had to push BT to 7:15pm and LO was asleep by 7:30pm. I checked up on him at 5:30am and he was already awake, thumbsucking and playing with his lovey. We usually don't get him up until 6am at the earliest. When we checked him again at 6am, he was sleeping. We'll see how this day turns out.