Yes that sounds like a good idea...think I need to fix this mess first and get semi-reasonable wake time before I can start though as he does tend to be very sensitive to OT so really worried about perpetuating this loop....May need to run things by you for a few days until I am out of this trap if thats ok...its been a very sleep-deprived few weeks and don't trust my brain at present!!
So today was (after BT of 7:30):
WU 4am, BTS 5-6, WU and get up 6am
nap 11am-1:10pm (miracle nap!)
BT - put in at 5:30 - asleep at 6:15pm
I went for an early bedtime on side of caution as he has been so sleep-deprived recently don't think the two-hr nap will have fixed it. Plus he woke up crying from nap. May have been too early though

will see tomorrow.
In your experience do babies grow out of getting so overtired? I really hope they do!