Author Topic: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?  (Read 7426 times)

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #75 on: August 24, 2014, 01:32:18 am »
Aww, poor sick girl. I had an ear thermometer too and could never get an accurate reading. :P

My older dd always stayed pretty close to schedule when she was sick. I'd give her some Tylenol and she'd perk back up. Now that she's a bit older she's been known to crash on the couch in the afternoon for a nap but for the most part she still stays on schedule. I'm not sure how my younger dd will be. Last winter when she would get a cold she was still so little that she would sleep more but who knows what this winter will bring. So, in saying all that, I really think it depends on the child and how sick they feel. If she's obviously not well and looking miserable, definitely go off schedule and do what she needs, but if it's a minor cold and overall she seems like herself then I'd try to stay on track.  :-\

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #76 on: August 24, 2014, 01:35:37 am »
Ok I guess I will just go with a flow. It's only 7:30 and she's already been up twice since 6pm BT. I gave her Tylenol so it's probably due to OT

Thank you!

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #77 on: August 30, 2014, 06:35:33 am »
Hi how are you? Is your DD sleeping better?

Just an update. After initial OT wear off we had few good 11hr nights in a row although she had multiple little cries through those nights. We also had just a few naps 2hrs or just over. Mostly DD naps for 1hr30-40m. But now she is back to having lengthy nightly WUs. She starts crying on and off what is seems like through sleep (or if she's about to wake up) from around 8:45ish PM (BT is at 6pm) and does that for a good hour or so. Then she also wakes sometime after that, could be from anywhere between 10:30 and 12ish and stays up for over 1 hr trying to resettle. Before we went to set times she would have similar nights only her lengthy WUs were mostly after 2:30am. Then before her morning WU wich has been around 5am lately, she is tossing and turning and letting out little cries for good 40 mins. I would imagine that all this light sleeping and lengthy NWUs don't make her nights as restful as she needs.

Those few good days gave me hope that set times are working but now not so much
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 11:35:26 am by AMJ »


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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #78 on: August 31, 2014, 01:32:00 am »
Well, it sounds like a bit of progress has been made, at least she's not waking before 5am anymore! If she's getting close to 11 hours of sleep at night and 1.5 to 2 hours of sleep during the day she's within the normal sleep amount range of 12-14 hours. She may just be a "noisy" sleeper. I remember having to turn the monitor volume way down when my oldest was little because she was a "noisy" sleeper and I couldn't share a room with my youngest past 6 months because she was a "noisy" sleeper as well. Lots of tossing, turning, moaning, etc. I can still see that my youngest moves a lot in her sleep because my video monitor has a delay feature that shows me her position when it was last on and then her current position, she's never in the same position! As for that 1 hour NW, perhaps some residual OT, maybe it's just developmental and something she'll have to grow out of, maybe it's a bit of a habit, hard to say. Unfortunately, from what I can tell there's nothing more you can do that you aren't already doing. She's an independent sleeper, no props and you're trying to keep the OT at bay - all good things :).

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #79 on: August 31, 2014, 02:53:33 am »
Thanks for your encouragement! Hopefully she outgrows it

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #80 on: September 06, 2014, 00:24:26 am »
Hi Robin. How are you and your family?  I have a question.

For the past little while DD had 1hr40m naps (sometimes 1hrs30m rarely 1hr10m) and mostly 10hrs45m-11hrs nights, sometimes 11.5hrs. For the past few days she started to nap for 2hrs20/30m but now she is taking longer to fall asleep at BT. She used to take 30m but now it's about 45m-55m. Also her nights got shorter about 10hrs long. So she is in the crib at 5:30 PM, asleep at 6:15-6:25pm and wakes at just after 4am.  Do you think it's because her naps got longer? But waking her from her nap never worked for us.
What do you think? Thank you

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #81 on: September 06, 2014, 08:25:23 am »

Well done on the longer naps!

How long is your day - if I remember you was doing 12hrs wasn't you?
If that's still the case maybe she needs a slightly longer day now that she's having a longer nap?

Unless OT I usually wake my DD after 2hrs now if she hasn't already woken herself as otherwise BT is a faff and we get a shorter night.

Hope she's happier now she's sleeping better?

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #82 on: September 06, 2014, 11:40:43 am »
Hi Lauren how are you.

Her days are 13hrs long but now since her nights got shorter they are even longer. We do set times

Nap: Crib at 10:30 asleep by 10:40am
BT: crib 5:30, asleep by 6:15-6:30 lately, used to be 6:00pm

WU used to be 5 or after 5, now it's around 4am.

Today she had is back to the usual, had a NWU for about 45m but WU at 5:17am. BT was 6:20pm. This didn't happen for sometime.

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #83 on: September 06, 2014, 20:45:22 pm »
Hi I'm good thanks... Apart from more teething (it feels like it's been non stop since she turned 1!) and I'm wondering if we've hit the 18mo sleep regression a bit earlier. We've been getting NW for 3 weeks solid now and they just came out of the blue so assuming either teeth or developmental (again!!)

Wow 4am wu!!!! She doesn't ever let you AP her either does she? How long was her nap yesterday, did anything else change to get the NW?

It could just be a few days blip and she gets back on track again. Or maybe the 2hr20 nap is just that little bit too long?

Let us know how today/tonight went.

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #84 on: September 07, 2014, 00:44:17 am »
Gosh it seems like our LOs are going throught the same thing.

No, APing doesn't work for her. Since she became independent sleeper.
Yesterday her nap was 2hrs20m.
Today she napped for 1hr50m and clearly was ready for bed at 6. Fell asleep at 6pm. Will see how the night goes.

Also I've noticed that after 2hrs20-30m nap she doesn't look too tired for bed. So probably that's too long of a nap for her. Only I really hate waking her at any time because she is usually just a mess after that. Do you think I should give a later BT then?


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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #85 on: September 07, 2014, 05:22:45 am »
Yes if you'd prefer not to wake her from her nap then try BT maybe 15/20 mins later and see how that goes.

I wish my dd wouldn't respond to AP as whenever she has a regression she just won't go to sleep by herself and we do it as it's easy and so we get some sleep and then she relies on it and we have to re train her again!


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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #86 on: September 07, 2014, 18:18:10 pm »
Ok I'll try that then. Thanks
Btw yesterday DD napped for 1hr50m and then fell asleep at 6pm and slept till 5:30am! So it must be the nap length.

Today we are travelling for the whole day again will have a 2hr time change and hopefully she will wake now at 6am not 4am

Oh and I wish that DD responded to APOP. Lol  but I do agree it would be hard to retrain every time :(

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #87 on: September 08, 2014, 16:45:37 pm »
P. S oh how i wish today that she would respond to APOP. After refusing a nap yesterday completely during travelling, havering a very short night, she is refusing a nap today again. We are on the second try and she is just going crazy in the crib. How I wish rocking her or putting her in the stroller or the car  would work but it's just doesn't.

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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #88 on: September 09, 2014, 05:11:04 am »
Oh really even a car trip doesn't send her to sleep  :(

We've had an awful couple of days too. Sunday we was out so she had 2 short car naps. Couldn't get her to bed until 9pm!!! That always means a 9hr night if she's that OT.

Yesterday only 1hr10 nap and a 10.5hr night. I've tried getting to bed early but not working and our trusty AP'ing has even stopped working!


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Re: Help needed with ASAP with today's EASY and how to beat major OT?
« Reply #89 on: September 09, 2014, 11:08:54 am »
Yep car trips don't do the trick. We had a 2 hr car ride to the airport and she didn't close her eyes even for a second and that's when she refused a nap that day. Crazy

Hugs to you. Same here. After she finally drifted off yesterday for her nap she slept for almost 3 hrs catching up from a traveling day but then it took me 2 hrs to get her to sleep at BT. Asleep at 9:30pm and what 7am. Oh I'm loving the 2 hr time difference!!!!!!!