Hi everyone!
I've been lurking for a long time, then upgraded to making an account and now here I am posting!
I have a 15 week old son who I have been trying to get on EASY since 4 weeks. We went through the whole he has colic, he's just a needy baby... blah blah blah to find out he has silent reflux! Thanks to all the moms out there on the babywhisperer forums who told me to keep PUSHING if I felt something was wrong because I know my little boy best!! So... now that he is on zantac and we have worked out the dosage, he is doing much better and is starting to form his own routine... but here are my issues: sometimes he won't take his full feeding at the 3 hour mark or even 3.5 hours, he only wants to eat at 4 hours, feed him before then and he eats 2 ounces, 3 tops. Wait until the 4th hour comes and he eats 5 to 6 ounces. He can only be awake a maximum of an hour and a half though... Lol. Another thing, last night he slept from 10:30 pm until 7:00 am (woohoo!). He ate last at 10:30 pm (3.5 ounces), but when he woke up this morning he had no interest in eating until 8:00 am and usually doesn't (what's that about??)
Here is how our days have been so far:
6:30/7:00: Wake up for the day, change diaper, etc.
7:15/7:30: Feed (usually he doesn't want to though, so we hang out and play for a bit)
8:00: Feed (usually he wants it at this time).
8:30 - 10:30: Nap
11:00: Eat (sometimes he has no interest and I have to wait a bit)
1:00 - 1:40: Cat nap
3:00: Eat
3:30 - 5:30: Nap
6:15/6:30: Bedtime routine begins
He is getting better at going down for naps and staying down since his reflux is under control... but do I try and stick him to a 3 hour, 3.5 hour? How do I work the awake times and feeding and sleeping if they all don't add up because he won't feed at the proper times? I'm worried about trying to force him into a different schedule when this one is what he's sort of settled into himself. I'm happy he's taking naps, hut I feel like the afternoon one usually messes with his sleeping at night (yesterday my mother watched him and he didn't sleep from 12:00pm (noon) until bedtime...... I'm happy he slept a good chunk in the night, but he cannot be awake that long in the day! That's a whole other issue with her, but yeah... Any suggestions and words of encouragement would be awesome.

Thank you!!