My 6 month old LO (2wks OD and big baby) has just recovered from a virus which was hell for about a week, before and after she was super sleepy as she recovered but before that we'd been sitting at 2hrs 45mins A time needed to get a decent nap. Since recovering she stopped wanting to self settle because of all the AP i'd been doing when ill and was screaming when i started the wind down.. i then pushed her A time to 3hrs/3.15 and she amazingly just started going down without a peep again and sleeping well. she also suddenly stopped the 45min wake up after bedtime.. something which has plagued us for months!! I was amazed!
I cant help feeling its happened very quick (stretching A and dropping catnap) but she has been so super easy and happy the past couple of days i just thought it must be what suits her. only thing is she keeps waking about 3/4am and having a cot party for about an hour. she isnt hungry -if i pick her up she doesnt go for my boobs (BF) but if i feed her anyway she'll usually go back to sleep but then isnt hungry until 10 or 11am and even then isnt hungry enough to take a big feed. and as it falls in the middle of her first nap i have to give her something or it affects the nap, this then has the knock on effect of not having time to fit in 4 daytime feeds! last night OH did the NW and she wouldnt take a bottle off him at 3am and went back to sleep after 1 hr of playing in the cot.. it was the first time shes taken a proper full feed off me in the morning for weeks!
im going back to work in 2 weeks and would love to sort this out so shes tired enough to sleep past this wakening then hungry for her morning feed at 7am!
Shes been moe textbook/angel recently and has been so good its very hard to read her tired signs sometimes so i worry shes ot.. but the lack of wake up after BT makes me think no..
our easy has been looking like this-ish :
A: 7.30-10.45
E: 10.00
S:10.45-12.15 (occasionally 2 hrs but more usually 1.5)
S:3.30-4.15 (wakes up happy and chattering.. if shes had a short 1st nap will nap for 2 hrs here)
E:4.15 (often hungry again as she hasnt fed well early on)
Wakes at 12.30 and feeds off both sides and nappy change and is usually asleep while i change her then down without a peep.
wakes anywhere between 3-5am for her party!