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Offline Lynnieowl

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Dream Feed question
« on: August 11, 2014, 14:23:23 pm »
Hi everyone,

My little guy is 7w old and takes about 3oz of formula/MBM mixed in a bottle ever 3 hours. I've just started trying the "dream feed" concept, but have been having a little trouble. Either he seems to awaken with the feed, or if he's deeply sleeping he'll take the 3oz but then seems to vomit back about 1oz 10 minutes later. I try to hold him upright after the feed etc, but it doesn't help.

So my question is - do people give less than a full feed as a dream feed? I think that's what I plan to try next. Also, and suggestions about the waking up? I don't really mind since the timing of the feed is close to when I imagine he's wake on his own anyway, so he would need to eat anyway.

Offline Lolly

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Re: Dream Feed question
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2014, 20:59:38 pm »
He's still really little, so it may be that he does better with a DF in a few weeks. I always offered a normal full feed, but neither of mine took to the DF so we gave up offering and just fed when they woke.

What time are you offering the DF? When is the last feed before that?


Offline Lynnieowl

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Re: Dream Feed question
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2014, 02:37:45 am »
Last feed is usually 630-7pm before bath, pjs and then bed at 730pm. DF is at 10 because if I wait longer he wakes up on his own.

As it is, he wakes while taking th feed, but seems more relaxed than usual and mostly goes right back to sleep when it's done (as long as he doesn't puke!!)

Offline Lolly

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Re: Dream Feed question
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2014, 07:59:54 am »
You could try offering a split feed around bath time, so some before and some just before you put him in the cot which should help him last a bit longer and you could catch him asleep for the DF.

If he goes straight back down that's great, then as he gets a bit bigger he may still stay asleep for it. You may need to gently wind him if it's making him puke it back up, or try feeding him a bit more upright.
