I'm going to jump on here too rather than start my own thread with the same questions. DS is really gassy too (still young at 10 days old), worse than I remembered DD being, and I thought she was gassy! I'm seeing similar things. When I pick him up, he quiets rights down and passes out. The second I lay him in the bassinet, it's hours of grunting, squirming hiccups, etc. and me picking him up every 15 mins or so to help. But after doing that most of last night and not getting a good afternoon nap for him today, I'm exhausted and frustrated!! Plus, then he's so tired that I'm struggling to keep him awake during feeds.
At this age, I'm not so worried about AP, I just hate having him in bed with me all the time. He's really not much of a crier, but he's clearly not getting good sleep either (and I'm not getting any!). For naps, I appreciate the idea of trying in the bassinet (I'll try shh/pat and other tactics too) and if it fails, just APOP. But what about at night? I'd rather not have him on the floor in a bouncy seat since I have 2 big dogs (who are sweet, but cannot resist facing licking). Am I stuck having DS in bed with me until the gas situation settles?