Author Topic: 3 week old; not letting me set down for naps anymore  (Read 2717 times)

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Re: 3 week old; not letting me set down for naps anymore
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2014, 12:00:40 pm »
Dd does the same with the paci. She spits it out because she settles but then jolts and wakes and needs it again. It is getting better now that she is learning to drop off into sleep. It feels like she is jolting less. She is 2 months today  ;D Of course once ot she needs a lot of help with dropping off and sometimes I have to literally hold the paci in her mouth.

Probiotics and colic calm did not help much here. I started making my own gripewater / tea. I boil some fennel and anise seeds then add chamomille tea. It has seemed to help with the gas. She drinks it out of a bottle but woild only drink it when warm, otherwise just make a very yucky face  ;D

I also have overactive letdown and that made her gulp too fast which led to gassyness too. It would be worth to try to unlatch your lo when you feel the letdown and and catch the milk in a nursing pad until it slows a bit. I found that at that young age my dd was just not able to keep up with it. Now she is much better. Also make sure you elevate your lo's head when you feed so her head is above her tummy level so that gravity can help her with eating.

Otherwise it is really just time and her system maturing. Can you put him in a bassinett next to your bed? That way he is in his bed but you can reach over if you need to settle him. I used to do that but now she is farther away from my bed because I had such a hard time sleeping with all her grunting in the early am.