I am at a loss as to what to do. Advice pleeeeease!
Our 19 month old son who is in day care is all of a sudden fighting naps and BT everyday. This was his daily routine before all of this started. (We initially sleep trained with wi/wo.
Wake - 6am
Breakfast - 630am
Snack - 830am
Lunch - 11am
Nap - 12-2
Snack -330pm
Dinner - 530-600
Bath - 630pm
Bed - 700pm
We weaned him from his suckie (about 2 months ago) and his bedtime bottle (about a month ago). He still sleeps with a sound machine (at home only - we've done this since he started day care at 10 months) At bed time I would sit with him for 1-2 minutes and put him down in his crib awake and he would put himself to sleep. About 2 weeks ago he started having crappy naps at daycare and then we had to move him to another room at home a week ago last Thursday which has cause some disruption, but has been way worse since this past Friday. Obviously he's having issues with the change of rooms, but I'm sure there is something else going on since he's been fighting his naps at day care for weeks. He's also obviously way, way OT as he's only napping 30-45 minutes some days and totally skipping naps on other days, unless he's at home and we can get him to nap his 2 hours minimum.
Any ideas out there? We were doing CIO at first because he would fall asleep within 3-4 minutes so I didn't think it was an issue. Now that that's not working, do I go back to wi/wo again? I don't know how to fix the napping issue when I'm not there.