Am sure this has been asked loads but after some advice on how to get my 5 month old son napping for more than 1x 40min sleep cycle
I have previously increased his awake time between first wake up and sleep to 2 hours and worked for one day but not since.
Normally awake at about 7.30.
Then the plan has been to try sleep by 9.30. Aim to be down till 11 or 11.30, but has only happened once.
He normally wakes up after one sleep cycle and won't resettle. So then try the same thing 2 hours or so later.
What would be a standard routine for a 5 month old?
And does it change much when they go to 6 months.
Am slowing going to start Baby Led Weaning, so while it's solids they don't actually ingest much food in the beginning to my knowledge.
Any advice would be appreciated