Author Topic: 19 Month Old EW, Long NW and Short Naps! Advice please!  (Read 941 times)

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Offline rubylou

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19 Month Old EW, Long NW and Short Naps! Advice please!
« on: August 14, 2014, 05:00:22 am »
Hi there - I am a long time lurker but a first time poster!

The Baby Whisperer Forums have been a life saver over and over again for me and reading other people's advice has often helped me find a solution.  This time however I don't know what I am doing and am really struggling to find a solution to cope and get through.  I am sitting here in tears because I am 35 weeks pregnant and so tired myself.

3 weeks ago our routine was:
WU between 6:15-6:30
Nap  12:30 to 2:00/2:30
BT 7:15/7:30

He had pretty much been on this routine since he dropped to one day sleep at 14 months.  He self settled for sleep and only had his dummy for the day sleep.

In the last 3 weeks everything has changed and things have become very messed up.  We have had some nap resistance but this seems to have settled, but we are still having early wakings, long (2 - 3 hour) night wakings, and short naps (30 mins to 1 hour 10 mins).  I don't know if it is developmental (his language is improving but I wouldn't say exploding), or a routine tweak needed.  He only has the last 4 molars to come through and I can't feel anything on his gums so I don't think they are to blame.

The last two days have looked like this:

WU 5:45am
Nap PD 12:20, asleep by 12:30 - woke 1:05
BT 6:50 - asleep almost straight away
NW 3:30 - 5:30am - cried on and off during this time.  I resettled him in his cot and left the room.  He lays quietly for up to a half hour at a time before crying out again.  Finally brought him into bed with me at 5am and he fell asleep at 5:30am with me patting him.

WU 6:30am
Nap 12:20 - 1:20 needed resettling in the middle
BT 6:50pm
NW 2:15am - 4:30am - cried out a few times and I went in 3 times and resettled him in his cot.  I was only in the room a few minutes.  He finally drifted back off to sleep at 4:30
WU 5:45am

This has been a pretty common type of pattern over the last three weeks.  We have had the odd night of  STTN 6:50pm to 5:30am but it not consistent and naps are no better, and if anything worse, on these days.

We did shift him into a new bedroom, still in his cot, not long before the problems started but he slept fine in there for the first few days so I don't think that is what has unsettled him. We have had the same routine before bed and naps for as long as I can remember and he goes down happily for BT and settles quickly.  He eats really well during the day too.

Can anyone give me some advice of what to try next?  I can't work out if he is OT or UT.  Surely he is not ready to drop his nap just yet?  In comparison to other children around his age he seems to be LSN and has always been a bit that way.  But when two of my friends tell me that their children the same age are doing 12 hours at night and 2-3 hour day nap I can't help but feel that I am doing something wrong here.  I will welcome any suggestions - I need to break this cycle before the next baby comes along!  My DP works away and is gone for 28 days at a time and then home for 5 days only so I do this mostly alone and it is taking its toll.

Sorry for the long post and I hope someone can shed some light for me x

Offline Miraclelim

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Re: 19 Month Old EW, Long NW and Short Naps! Advice please!
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 06:53:17 am »
I am so sorry to hear that. My dd is almost 20mths in a couple of days also have been waking up 1.5-2hr at night crying. I can only put it down to developmental n teething as her 4 canines r popping out at the same time.
Looking at ur routine the only think I can think of is have u try ebt since she only has 1hr nap? Maybe try 630pm or push nap out a bit to 1245 for a few days. Did she have an 18mth sleep regression? If not this might be it.

Sorry I m not much help. Just want to offer u a hug n support.

Offline rubylou

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Re: 19 Month Old EW, Long NW and Short Naps! Advice please!
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2014, 03:36:00 am »
Thanks for the reply Miraclelim  :)

I tried pushing the nap later a couple of times, but he cries when he goes down and takes ages to fall asleep, so I think that he is too tired by then.  I have been game enough to try an even earlier bedtime yet but I might just have to bite the bullet!

Sorry to hear that you are going through something similar.  It is so exhausting x

Offline Maria14

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Re: 19 Month Old EW, Long NW and Short Naps! Advice please!
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2014, 07:08:38 am »
Just to say we are going through the same problem with NWs.
It's absolutely draining.
I got in from work at 12:00 am last night,DD had a 3 hr wakening and was up at 7 this am.
That left me with 3 hrs of sleep?!
She is also 19 months. But we ve had NWs like this on and off for months.
I know she is OT but I don't seem to be able to win this battle!

Offline rubylou

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Re: 19 Month Old EW, Long NW and Short Naps! Advice please!
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2014, 04:37:18 am »
Thanks for replying Maria14, it is comforting to know that I am not alone!  I just don't know what to do anymore.  I have begun to feel so anxious about nap times and nights because I just don't know what to expect anymore.  My LO's routine was so consistent and predictable and now it is just a mess.  Our last two days have been:

Thursday night....
BT: 7:15pm

WU: 5:55am - didn't cry at wake up for the first time in 3 weeks

12:15 Put him down
12:40 he stood up and cried and I went in and laid him back down
12:48 asleep
1:30 awake - managed to pat his bum and get him back to sleep
1:48 awake and up

BT 7:00pm - asleep 7:20pm

WU: 5:40am crying

Nap 11:35 - cried on and off until asleep at 12noon
1:00 awake - managed to pat his bum and get him back to sleep at 1:10pm
1:20 awake and up

I have no idea what time I should try bed time tonight! 

Part of me wonders if he is ready to drop the nap.....  I used to have this under control and know what to expect, but now I can't get my head around any of it!

Offline Maria14

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Re: 19 Month Old EW, Long NW and Short Naps! Advice please!
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2014, 09:47:18 am »
Have no advice I am afraid, but know the anxious feeling and not knowing what the night will bring. It's so frustrating especially that you would expect the sleep to be settled at this stage :(