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Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« on: August 15, 2014, 08:51:07 am »
Im trying to deal with lo early wakings, but I have also noticed something else.
For the first part of the night, on most days she sleeps ok, but after she wakes for a feed she has a few night wakings. There are days when she also wakes up after her first sleep cycle because of ot but I manged deal with that by making bt earlier

This is an example of her EAS, its not exact but Im trying to keep it up
7 Wu and bottle
(she actually wakes up earlier but now goes back to sleep with a paci and if she doesnt we dont pick her form the crib until at least 6.30)
8.30 solids
Nap-9.30-9.50 and naps for 45min.
I`ve been trying to push her A time to see if it will make any difference with the ew
11.00 bottle
12.30 solids
nap 1.00/1.30-3.00/3.15
solids 5.00
bt routine-bath, bottle 6.30 and in bed by 7.00/7.30
Some times I have to skip bath or have bt as early as 6.00 because she is all happy and then all of sudden she is ot
df at 10.30
After this things are all over the place. She might even wu at 9.00 because she was ot before bt.
Her night wakings are all at different times.
She might sleep until 2 or she might wu at 12.00. She has one bottle during the night, usually 2.00-2.30
which I know she needs-she takes 8 oz same as during the day, and when she is not hungry she pushes the bottle away, also I recognize her cry.
Then after that she makes every hour or so. On the very bad nights she wakes every 30-45 minutes. on the good ones she wakes every 1-1 1/2 hour.
Any ideas whats going on? What to do?

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 02:04:38 am »
Your day routine looks pretty good Hun so that's one thing isn't it :)
Few thoughts...have you tried ditching the DF? - do you think it could be disrupting her sleep more than helping?
After the NF do you get wind up? Can you get wind up? Wondering if wind is causing trouble :-\

How are poops etc. is her reflux ok ATM?

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2014, 18:27:03 pm »
Poop- every 2-3 days, dry and she is getting red as tomato when  she goes. Some days are surprisingly ok, but I have noticed that sometimes she wakes up bc she is trying to poop.
Reflux is better I think. Vomiting is rare but she still has heartburn.
I tried getting wind up after the nf, she was more alert then before. She doesnt want to be picked up after bt which is a big issue, I have to try and calm her in the cot or risk her screaming bloody murder.
Ditching tha df is something worth trying. Although there are nights when I feed her while she is alsleep most nights she wakes up on her own,so I feed her then.
But Ill try w2s to skip it. Just not now. I have abandoned everything these days. She is having very bad nights.
Thank you Sara.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2014, 18:22:46 pm »
I was thinking Sara,
is it better to try and get reed of the nf or the df?
I used the diluted formula method for the 5.00am feed and it worked.
Not sure its going to work this time but I can give it a try.
The most she has gone with out a feed is 5-6h.
She is taking 6-8oz of formula, (box says 8 oz formula for babies over 4m)
With the the df and nf she is taking just enough according to the recommendation.   

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2014, 08:54:11 am »
Are her actual poops ok? - or seem constipated? If she is constipated I would first up her probiotics. Also see what she is eating as something may be causing problems :-\ does she drink water?

Is she still on reflux meds? - if she is teething reflux will flare? We found pain meds at BT helped the nights when teething.

Maybe try not feeding for 4/5 hrs after BT - I found this the easiest NW to settle as my boys were still really tired at this time ;) so if bt is 7 don't feed before 11 or 12...even if you have to apop to resettle for a few days, then move to PU/pd or shh/pat. Then do an after midnight feed if you have to. Then you know she should be ok till morning yk?

Hugs. Being tired is so so tough :-*

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2014, 20:47:01 pm »
It depends on the day really, these past two day she had normal poop,before it was dry and it changes like that. I try to help her with her food choices although her interest in food changes a lot.
Reflux meds-yes. And oh, no teeth yet! I have noticed a reflux flare, I also think that`s why her poop were normal these days. I use a teething gel and sometimes baby paracetamol.
She had a cold and she has an ear infection so that added to the nw. She is better now,still waking up for feeds (df and 1nf).
She is drinking water (form a glass ;D) and I give her plum puree couple times a week.
I use one less scoop of formula when I make the milk as I was recommended (180ml water-5 scoops). Do you think that could be the reason why she`s hungry at night?
She also has hard time settling at bt these days so I do apop but Im afraid it will become a habit (if she cries when I put her down I pick her up and try pat/shh, or I move side to side and if that doesnt work I put her in bfing position and rock her 2-3 times and put her down and she is done).
Ill give it a try to see if she can go with out a feed but maybe wait until her teeth are out (my sister says one is almost out so Ill wait for that)

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2014, 09:32:47 am »
Does she have probiotics? They could help with the constipation and post antibiotics to giver her gut some good bacteria again. :)

Poor thing! she could be a bit poorly still from the illness. :-*

How is she now? - it's a really rough age...I think we apoped for a while till I knew T was well and I was going a bit crazy then did PD xx

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2014, 19:16:46 pm »
Yk, I was thinking about probiotics all day today.
She was having trouble pooping, when she finally did it was the size of a marble. Put her down for bt and went to the store. My mum told me she wu crying bc she had pooped but it was normal.
But what made me think about it was, I gave her cucumber today and she was vomiting a lot. :-\
I dont know why her dr didnt suggested probiotics ::)
Yes, she still has health issues. I had made the decision to wean her of the nfs by going cold turkey but I cant do it. I`ve had enough crying for a lifetime, she did too. (it makes me sad to think about the days when she was a newborn or how things were in until a few months. I feel robed of the experience of having a newborn, but then I just now realized that this is not true. I had my time with her, although it wasnt the best, we still have a lot of good memories.)
So instead I want to try w2s and diluted formula thing. Do you think it w2s will work here?
I keep thinking that if I fix that 2am wake she wont wake up after that.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2014, 19:15:15 pm »
Probiotics till recently were 'unproven' in bt hat they didn't have scientific backing so Drs (here anyway) were reluctant to recommend them IYKWIM. However, there has now been large sale studies proving they help with colic and reflux. There is a strain that also specifically seems to help with constipation.
There is no side effects of taking probiotics really, they are just good for you anyway so they are a safe thing to try first IMO.

I get that robbed feeling, I really do. But, I will promise you that feeling does get replaced with joyful memories as they get bigger and happier. I don't miss the infant age at all. But I don't regret for one minute the APOP I did to help us both thorn it. :)

You could try w2s. You do it an hr before the habitual wake. :-\

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2014, 20:37:44 pm »
Thanks, Sara.
You are right. The good memories are starting to replace the bad ones and I`ve been told that I wont remember any of this in the future, not sure if Ill forget but I know that looking back Ill value this time either way. Plus Im pretty sure that after all this I over react a lot of the time. Growth spurts, a cold...I see trouble everywhere.  So I need to relax too.

Ill ask about the probiotics in the pharmacy. Thanks for that too. I have one that is a probiotic that is used for babies with diarrhea, so I cant use that one,right?

I was talking to other mommies here on the forum whose babies are waking up early.
I was wondering what you think about this thing Ive noticed specifically this week but also thinking about it I think its been like this for while.
She naps well she wakes up all happy and can sit and play independently and then an hour letter she is showing sings of tiredness,starts to fuss and as times passes by she gets more and more fussy, wont sit still, cries about everything, and only calms down while being held and most of the times the person has to be standing. If she is in the stroller, every bump on the road is a cause for a meltdown.
I barely managed to make bt 7 today and she was up an hour letter crying. She had a  2h nap and 1 1/2h one. Woke up at 3 from the second nap and by 5-6 she was doing the 7mile stare (I think thats what Tracy called it)
Is this related to the night wakings, the emw?
I feel like its not just her having health issues, maybe Im missing something here.
Any thoughts?

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2014, 00:54:50 am »
I think you will remember it....I know I do. But the raw emotive feelings that comes with it tend to fade away (well for me anyway)

Honestly. those naps look great at 8 mths . With that much day sleep my boys wouldn't sleep at night at 8 months. We were on something like
wu 6.30
nap 10-11.30
nap 3-4 (or less)
bt 7

At 8 mths they just get cranky :-\ I don't know why but my boys were grumpy a lot at this age. It was often hunger, boredom, needing a change of scene, frustration (trying to crawl etc) but not tiredness as I would often first think. Id suspect maybe she is ready for tea at 5pm? Or try an early bath to change the scene a little as she could just be having a fussy time of day.

Any teeth?

Sara x

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2014, 10:56:22 am »
No teeth yet.
Maybe her routine need changing. I think Ill post on the EASY board.
A time has gone up to 3-4h. Which its also time for a feed, and then she stays up for at least 30 minutes more. She naps well, 1.5-2h. She gets up form the second nap at 5 and bt is 8-8.30. And she wakes up at 6.
Still has NWs, and the most are still after 2.
Her mood is better now, still needing a lot of attention after some A time but can go longer with independent play (especially if I let her near the cat and the kittens! :D).

I just dont know how to move on from here.

So sorry to hear about Z. I hope he gets better soon.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2014, 08:49:58 am »
When did she move to two naps? - if it was 6 mths or so then I think maybe she is getting too much day sleep. :-\
What. Are her nap lengths ATM? -can you post the next few days eas (in a few days) and I'll have a look and ask for some more eyes too :-*

Thanks Hun, Z is doing much better though we're still in the dark about what is going on.

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2014, 09:36:27 am »
I dont remember when she moved down to 2 naps. Probably around 6 months.
I have posted on the easy board here
Routine tweaking or something else?
It has her old and new routine. But basically she has looong A time and then 1 1/2-2h nap.
I think you are right, she is having to much day sleep.
Im thinking of cupping one nap at 45 minutes but because she has long A times I think she is tiered and let her rest.

Not knowing is such a nightmare. You feel helpless and your mind goes all over the place. I thought it will be more comforting and easy if LOs can talk and tell what hurts but I can see that`s not the case.
You have a brave little man there. And you are such a strong person. Hope you know what`s going on soon.

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Re: Multiple NW after 2am-any idea why?
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2014, 20:36:04 pm »
Other then multiple wakings after 2am now, for the past 2 days she has started waking an hour after bt.
Yesterday it took me at least an hour to put her back to sleep,today a bit less.
She wakes a few times for just a few minutes and then one long wake time.
I would  appreciate any idea