Hi and welcome, the early weeks are tough so ((hugs)) first of all.
It's pretty normal for young babies to zonk out after feeds, but that said, I think part of your issue is the day is starting off on the wrong footing because your first A time is too long. At six weeks it will probably be 1h to 1h15 max from the time she wakes, so if she's awake at 6.30am first nap should be no later than 7.45am, or 8.15am if she wakes at 7am.
If the first nap is short, you need to do a shorter next A time too which means bringing her next feed a touch early. If you try those things, you may have a bit more success with the EAS pattern. Don't worry if the A is very short, just a nappy change will do if she's tired.
It's a personal choice about waking from naps but to be honest, I tend not to unless we need to go somewhere. When my DS takes a long nap it's usually because he needs it, and letting him sleep until he's ready to wake seems to get us on track quicker

. Unless you are having trouble with long wakeful periods at night then I wouldn't worry too much about day/night confusion.