Author Topic: Trouble with E.A.S.Y. Due to short naps  (Read 1004 times)

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Offline Cvbaby2014

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Trouble with E.A.S.Y. Due to short naps
« on: August 16, 2014, 13:37:32 pm »
Hoping for some advice 7week old has trouble napping for over 35 minutes.  I have to get him asleep on me first which takes 10mins or so, and he will only stay asleep in the crib for 30-40mins.  I was able to get him to sleep another hour, if I picked him up and held him once he woke.  But that doesn't seem to be working now.  He doesn't seem tired or hungry when he wakes, but will sleep on me if I cuddle him.

He was doing well on a 3hr schedule...but now when he wakes from a nap, and isn't hungry I am not sure what to do.  As if we have activity time, then feed, he is ready for a nap after he eats which throws everything off.

He is swaddled and does better at night.  He actually was fine unswaddled at night before last week when he started sucking his hands which wakes him up after 30-60 mins, and he gets upset( and is not hungry).

Thanks !

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Trouble with E.A.S.Y. Due to short naps
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 13:23:06 pm »
Hi and welcome :)

7 weeks (ish) is a bit of crazy time for babies and it's very common for silly-short naps to make an unwelcome appearance.  It's also common for parents to report what previously worked to settle their LOs no longer does.  ((Hugs)), it's annoying!  Just been there myself....the good news is if you start over the next few weeks to work on independent sleep (Shush-pat - How to) and try as much as possible to keep feeds at a reasonable interval but avoid feeding to sleep, it should get better :). DS is now 11 weeks and although he's in a fussy period/growth spurt currently, for the most part his naps are a bit better if I time it right.

It's ok for the day to look like EASAEAS or EASAS for a while, in fact it's inevitable with short naps.  When DS does this I just try to feed as close to 3h or so as possible, then put him straight down for a nap if he's tired.  I don't feed to sleep, but don't do a 'proper' A time after the feed if you see what I mean.  Perhaps just a nappy change or a quick cuddle. 

Have you had a look at the average A times link here too? Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!!. Getting LO down before they are OT can really help with short naps too :)

Offline Cvbaby2014

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Re: Trouble with E.A.S.Y. Due to short naps
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 12:09:15 pm »
Thanks, I feel better knowing that I am not the only one! 
We are trying with the independent sleep....I hope we get there.  It is difficult though as does tend to be wide awake as soon as we lay him in the crib....or he will fall asleep for a few min then start stirring!

I do try to keep to 3hr feedings. He doesn't seem to need more, even though his constant hand sucking makes it look like he does!