Hi, back again to ask you lovely people your opinions on DS and his dairy allergy. A few months ago we saw an allergist who advised to trial dairy and if he reacted, to wait two months before trying it again. He has been eating dairy for 12 days now (yoghurt, butter and milk in foods etc) but still breastfed (I am also having dairy). There have been no obvious signs, such as change in BM, spitting up or rashes. However, he has been more grumpy recently and will arch his back and moan at times (but usually if he doesn't get his way with something). His nights have always been rubbish with 2-5 night wakings; dairy hasn't made them worse. However, I still don't understand why he wakes up so much.

So should I stop the dairy as he has been unsettled. Or should I persevere for a bit longer as it could be teeth or something else? I have a follow up app with allergist on 15th sept so won't get medical advise till then. What are your thoughts?
I so want him to have outgrown this as I want to wean him and he doesn't like the nutramigen or pepsin formula that gave been prescribed.