Hi All
New to the site and have recently purchased the book.
My question is I want to get into the EASY way of life but am struggling to get my head round it?
My LO has recently gone through a phase of been 'whingy' all day on and off which has really knocked my confidence as a first time parent. I just didn't know what was wrong or how to sooth him. In turn we both got more upset. And I think I am falling into a routine of offering a bottle (EBM) when he starts to fuss - however in most cases he is about due to be fed (3-4hrs)
My next battle is if he isn't fussy all day he sleeps all the time so by the time a bottle has finished he's asleep and stays there until the next feed. How to I implement EASY this way.
He is a 6Wpp LB and was 37+1 when he was born so slightly early. Thought I would mention as I don't know if these factors should be considered, oh and finally he was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP)
Thanks in advance and sorry for the lengthy post