I'm back with a much better baby, but our routine still needs tweaking. In the past week he has sort of been doing this.. But I can no longer extend the am nap
also he has been waking later..
Wu 7:15
Nap 9:15/9:30-10/10:15 (he will not stay up past 9:15 still!)
Bf 10:15
Is often clingy and not entirely happy during this A time
Nap 12:15-1:45/2 (will fuss to go down..ot? And wakes at 30/35 mins and usually I can resettle)
Bf 2
Nap 4/4:15-4:45/5
Quick bf after waking cos I haven't done solids yet..he's getting constipated even on just a few spoons of pears?!
Bf 6:45 at bedtime
Asleep by 7:15 usually.
Nw was great till 11 pm last week but yesterday was awake every 45 mins
Usually feeds at 11/3/6
What do you think I should do?