Author Topic: 16 mos sleep regression  (Read 1171 times)

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Offline Tamlyn

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16 mos sleep regression
« on: August 25, 2014, 10:37:48 am »
My 16-mos LO was going to sleep independently and sleeping through the night until this summer. With travel and visitors, sickness and teething, we have really struggled with sleep. This week he has started waking during the night again...and staying awake for sometimes 1.5-2 hours. When he wakes he stands up in the crib and bounces up and down, holding onto the rail. He is very angry and frustrated. Doesn't sound as much like a pain or fear cry. However, he screams an awful scream and is VERY upset. I am not sure how to handle this. There is no mantra to it.

When I go into his room, he wants me to pick him up and then he easily settles; I've done this the last 2 nights to be sure he wasn't soiled or in pain from teething. I've given him some teething meds, held him a few minutes until fully relaxed, then set him back in the crib. He begins screaming on the way down. I force myself to walk out.

I'm not sure what to do- he is a textbook baby, but has a spirited streak, especially when it comes to sleep. I've learned that staying in the room with him seems to make things worse. From a suggestion on this forum, I began just reassuring him with words by using the "talk back" on his monitor as opposed to entering the room. He will stand and scream for 1.5-2.5 hours before lying down and going back to sleep. It is sooooo hard to hear this, as he is really upset. In the past when he has regressed, the amount of time he is awake gradually decreases until he no longer wakes; however every time he regresses to this again, I question whether I am doing the right thing??? The first few nights when he stays awake a long time it feels like CIO, and that breaks my heart.

Help please! Any moms of spirited babies?

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2014, 19:06:18 pm »
Could he be UT?  What's his routine like? Is he still going to sleep independently at bedtime?

Offline Tamlyn

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2014, 22:02:03 pm »
Thanks for taking the time to reply. He is still going to sleep at BT independently. He is likely teething now, and may be waking form the pain?

I don't think he is UT. If I go in his room, he puts his head down on my shoulder as if to go back to sleep. He just doesn't want me to put him back in the crib. His routine is below; he has low sleep needs, but with one nap at about 75 min, I don't think he is UT at BT. He plays hard.

6am WU
7:30am Breakfast
10am Milk
12pm-1:15pm Nap (odd time but we are gradually pushing it back)
1:30pm Lunch
3:30pm Milk
May take a short 30 min nap around 3:30 or 4pm, but usually doesn't nap unless his earlier nap was only 30-40min...
5:30pm Supper
6pm Bath
7pm Milk, BT

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2014, 07:50:45 am »
No wouldn't have thought UT then.  There is a sleep regression at about 18 months but I think it kicked in closer to 16 months here.  Have you noticed any new language?  We had a language explosion at about the same time as sleep went haywire.  We did also have to push the nap later though so you may well be on the right track with doing that.  Teething sounds a very likely culprit too - at least if it's that it should end soon :)

Offline Tamlyn

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2014, 23:59:15 pm »
How should I handle the wakings for now though? Do I just keep talking through the monitor to reassure and let him know he's not alone? I hate hearing him cry so hard. I don't want to prolong the problem though by going into his room... he just gets so upset...and if it's from teething or something, should I be comforting him? I sure want to...but just don't want to inadvertently make it tougher on him in the long run...ugh.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2014, 03:40:11 am »
If he is that upset I would go to him...even if just to be in the room to reassure him until he calms down and teething meds can kick in (if that is the issue). Mine were/are independent sleepers for the most part but any teething/illness etc I did any and all apop to help them and worked it out once they were better. Mostly it was straightforward as when they felt better they got back into their previous routine fairly quickly.

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2014, 06:42:39 am »
^^^i agree x

Offline Tamlyn

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2014, 10:39:33 am »
Thanks...that will make it less traumatic for both of us! I'm not sure if it's teething, and/or some separation anxiety. He seems to be going through a bit of that as well. I have tried going into his room and leaning into the crib to comfort him, but he only stops crying when I pick him up.

Last night he went down independently, with just a little fussing (4-5 min) but then I heard him about 20 min later, and he was standing up in the crib, crying hard. I tried reassuring him through the "talk back" on the monitor, but when that didn't work I went in and held him. I gave him some teething meds in case that was it, and held him...until he was back asleep (about 1 hour later). Accidental parenting for sure...but he was so upset....  We worked hard to get him to a point of going down independently, and he has been doing that for many many months now, with brief lapses periodically. I just hope I am not creating a poor sleep habit, but I sure want to comfort him! Ugh...

Offline Tamlyn

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2014, 12:03:48 pm »
I guess I struggle with knowing whether the NW are a result of teething pain or separation anxiety...I don't want to fall into an AP trap...but sometimes just talking through the monitor feels too much like CIO. Also, I have tried WI/WO but this seems to make it worse...although I didn't try it but on 1 day.

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2014, 12:22:34 pm »
We had a lot of separation anxiety type behaviour with teeth as DD got older.  Wakings 20 mins or so after BT were common too.  Molars were the worst!  I do think you are doing totally the right thing offering the comfort he needs at the moment.  If he can and has gone to sleep independently, he'll go back to doing that when whatever this phase is passes. 

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2014, 12:44:09 pm »
I think you are doing the right thing too...the thing is there will always be lapses and periods where they need us so for a bit we chuck it all out the window and do whatever it takes to make sure they are okay. For me knowing that I have BW and the forum to fall back on for help if things do get off the rails makes it easier.

Also with separation anxiety if you go to him and help him in the short term eventually it will have the effect of making him more comfortable to go back to independent sleep because he knows you will be there when he needs you.

Offline Tamlyn

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2014, 14:42:54 pm »
Thanks so much for the support; that makes so much difference! Thanks for taking your time to help- to everyone who has responded and others who have just sent good thoughts;) Nap today went very well. He started crying, but I stayed in the room, in the corner by the door and that seemed to be enough today. I will work on rebuilding any trust that may have been lost and then gradually fade out staying in the room until he is asleep.

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2014, 15:34:43 pm »
Well done and glad naptime went well :D

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 16 mos sleep regression
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2014, 02:27:25 am »
Sound like it is going well, and standing in the room will be simpler to withdraw from than other apop!