how do i help her?
it's breaking my heart to see her so upset.

DD has started saying that she's not tired, doesn't want to go to sleep etc.....she gets so upset and there seems to be a genuine fear there.
it started last saturday when she said that a fly would come into the cot while she was asleep...she said that happened in the childminder's house...she had gone to sleep no problem at home on friday and at the childminder's on thursday, so i'm not sure if something happened and she just didnt say anything or if she had a bad dream??? she definitely doesn't like flies/bees/wasps etc but we never ever ever had an issue with her going to sleep before now.
she works herself up into an awful state.

the thing is though, once i leave the room, she sucks her fingers, holds her lovey and falls asleep. we have a video monitor, so i can see her lying quite still literally the second i leave the room. she never calls us back (never has) adn sleeps soundly through the night.
i'm at a complete loss.
there has been some change in her life recenetly with DD2 starting in the childminder's last week, and that has definitely thrown her. she cries in the morning going in there now-something that hasnt happened since she was a tiny baby.
i just dont know how to help her. she is so worried about anxious.