's been a long time since I've been on here!
My daughter is now five and the ladies on here were a saviour for me when she was a baby! I'm pleased to say that whilst she remains an early riser, we nailed a sleep routine by about 6/7mths and I couldn't have done this without the help of this site.
Now I have a baby boy and just wanted to check a few things. He's 18wks old, very similar to his big sis (textbook) which in many ways is great as I know what to expect but it does mean that we've hit the 4mth sleep regression.
Since day one we've worked on him going to sleep on his own - he sleeps with a cuddly and a dummy and settles himself well. He wakes quite a lot at night now due to the regression and he needs his dummy back but doesn't really wake to eat.
Thing I want to check.....having gone through all this before, and knowing that he will be my last, I'm much more chilled out about the whole thing. I'm riding out the night wakings much easier as hubby helps and we're putting him down for more naps since he doesn't seem to go longer than 45mins in the last few weeks.
Both me and hubby are self employed, we work from home although have appts out and about. DS comes with on many of these trips out and what with having a 5yr old and school runs etc, we can't always be at home for sleep training so he does sometimes have to nap on the go.
With DD, I worked damn hard to extend naps, stayed in a lot in order to do that and it paid off. I'm wondering whether I should be doing the same for DS or whether this is a phase that he will grow out of on his own? I can cope with the short napping and night wakings for now but am I making them last longer by not trying to extend his day time naps?
No set schedule btw, his A time is approx 1hr 45 but this reduces after a short nap as the day goes on. Wakes at 6/6.30 and asleep at night by 7 at the latest, usually 6.45. His first morning nap is usually in his cot, rest of them is hit and miss depending on where we need to go for the day. We sometimes achieve one good nap (1.5hrs) and then the rest will be 45mins. On the rare occasion we are at home all day, he'll have at least 4 x 45mins, plus maybe a catpnap. He has a dream feed at 10pm, then usually wakes for his dummy at about 3, then 5 and has a feed, then usually in bed with us for the last hr or so to ensure he goes back to sleep (no choice with this really as his big sis still an early riser and up at 6 - if I left him in his cot he's wake her up and we'd all be starting our day at 5am!)
Thanks in anticipation!