Author Topic: 14mo good eater now very picky - any advice v welcome!  (Read 4255 times)

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Re: 14mo good eater now very picky - any advice v welcome!
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2014, 18:36:34 pm »
I might be repeating a previous post, is she teething?

I would offer her anything you are having so she is at least getting some trials with different foods. It's understandable she wants to be included in being offered the same food but I would have thought she'd have a go at eating a bit of some of it and not reject it all, taking personal taste into consideration of course.

My LO went through a phase of needing all food to be taste tested by me before he could eat it. This came after being a great eater and he still liked a huge variety but the phase would have had him eat almost nothing if I hadn't tested his food for him. The way I saw it he was more mobile and had had a developmental leap. My theory is that with more mobility comes greater danger (wander off into the jungle get eaten by lion, wander over to bush eat poisonous berries, see what I mean?) so triggers SA and/or pickiness which actually makes their life safer.  I used to laugh and say I was the King's jester testing the food for poison, serve a larger portion on DS's plate so that I could take a small sample of each item and eat it in front of him saying what the item was and that it was good, "carrots [take bite], they're good/safe".  It made a huge difference to him, once I'd done it with each food he'd basically clear his plate.
May be a long shot but may be worth a try?

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Re: 14mo good eater now very picky - any advice v welcome!
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2014, 12:13:42 pm »
Thanks again for the, not actively teething at the minute...and I know by her that it's an attitude thing really!

Tried the roasted veg the other day..lots of prodding and a bit of tasting but not much gobbling up! She is a little bit out of sorts today..wants to keep sitting on my lap and a bit needy so I'm going to give her a selection of things she likes for lunch (pasta, cheese, apple and natural yogurt) just so she has a stress free lunch...I've put some sweet pots in to roast aswell and I figure I'll leave them there amongst the other stuff and let her try them again..she does love sweet pot so we'll see...if no joy I'll have them anyway!

I've tried the tasting thing before - her response has been 'great, you're eating it - here - have some more'!

I think a combination of patience and perhaps trying to be a more varied in tastes  - like I said before I've gotten into a bit of a cooking rut - I'm not a natural cook so I think having found a variety of things she liked I got a bit stuck on what I prepared -  do all this and hope it's also just a phase of her asserting her independence. For instance she has been trying to figure out how to dress herself - this morning she managed to get a leg into her pajamas but they were inside out so I took them off to fix them and she was NOT happy..desperately trying to get them on herself again!

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Re: 14mo good eater now very picky - any advice v welcome!
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2014, 17:34:31 pm »
her response has been 'great, you're eating it - here - have some more'!
funny :)

She sounds like she likes her independence already.