Hi all,
Hoping you can give some advise on how to go on as I am loosing the will to live this week and can hardly keep my eyes open at work!
DD1 (DD2 due end Nov) has been waking for more than a handful of weeks now in the night, more so over the last 3wks since we had a 2wk break at home with me while childminder was on holiday and we took the opportunity to toilet/potty train (gone really well by the by).
That initial first week we had hysterical crying/tantrums in the night along with EW and assistance on the forum suggest OT in the run up to the break and rear teeth. Resolved OT I believe, as crys now but in a normal way if that makes sense.
this week, 3rd wk - Basically she is now going into cotbed awake @ 7.30pm mark, asleep usually within 10mins.
She will wake 10pm ish and settle quickly if I cuddle her first. Often is pulling at her nappy.
Wakes again 3hrs ish later for 1-1.5hrs (1am). I try so very hard to not cuddle, she will time after time lay down or I lay her down, I have my hand on her back to reassure then remove, we whisper count breaths so she knows I am there, she seems asleep, I whisper I am going to bed and she will wake. We start the laying down process again.
Wakes again 3hrs ish later for 1-1.5hrs (4am). I will offer water, ask if her teeth hurt and if yes get medicine, I will cuddle once (she'll fall asleep so very quickly) then back into bed. Wakes once in bed. We start the laying down process again.
We have had to wake her in the morning at 7-7.15am to get to work/childminders.
Currently we fight to keep sleepsuite on on the second and third wakes, will not go in grobag at any time, at 1am or 4am is willing to have a blanket - room is never below 20 deg c.
Naps had been with me easily 2-2.5hrs, looks like the last 2 days with childminder more like 1.5-2hrs.
I can list EASY times for the last 6wks, but I just cannot replicate the very odd days we had good nights sleep to gain another good nights sleep, I cannot see a clear pattern.
I wonder is OT is setting in again with all the night wakings? (I'm OT!)
What would you try for the next week?