Author Topic: 25 months pacifier  (Read 772 times)

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Offline Renatapogacnik

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25 months pacifier
« on: August 28, 2014, 12:32:13 pm »
I need some calming words or an advice after a really though night... Our DD is 25mth old and she alwsys had paci only for sleeping. For a year now she does not have it for day sleeping, but only for night. But she is not an independent sleeper. She was actually half a year, but than we went on a vacation from Europe to Mexico and since than i have to read a story and she falls asleep and i can leave her room. She did WU during the night once or non, so this was ok for all of us. We tried also WO/WI but she threw once and she climbed out of her crib and fellt down, so we didnt try it anymore.
Well anyway, she always does fell a sleep without paci and in the mofning when i come to pick her up in her room she is without paci, but during the night she takes paci and put itin her mounth, but never called us for that. Yestrday i took all(8) pacifiers out of her crib. At the evening she dicnt notice, she fellt asleep as she used to do it. But from midnight on she WU 6 times... And she said momy momy will help me sleep and she wanted me to tell her stories. I told her stories 3 times, but the next time she called i weng in her room anc said:"no stories, you have to sleep" she did fall asleep, bug i had to be wigh her in the room.
I am afraid, that now she will change paci for my presence. Can you please help me? How to solve the problem? Thank you in advance!

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Re: 25 months pacifier
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2014, 12:50:22 pm »
Hi there,
first of all, just to say that I'm going to move this post over to Toddler Sleep as your LO is over 12 mos.

Reading your post, I'm not entirely sure what the problem is.  As I understand it, your LO was used to helping herself to a paci at night.  You decided it was time to get rid of them and removed them from her crib. She woke up several times, looking for comfort.  That's perfectly normal given that you've removed something she was used to, things have changed a lot for her.  I think your choice now is either to go through these first nights without a paci, offer lots of reassurance and comfort, and hope that her sleep improves in a week or two, or you can give her back a paci.   It really is up to you.   

I wouldn't get into reading stories in the middle of the night, though, I would simply tell her it is time to sleep, give her a kiss/cuddle/backrub, and help her get back to sleep.

*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline Renatapogacnik

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Re: 25 months pacifier
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2014, 20:39:37 pm »
Sorry, i did not specify the question? I am wondering what to do, go in and calm her answered me already. But next thing that i am worried about is, will my presence become a prop? Instead of paci she has me now... What do you thing? I wait a little before i go in, sometimes there is no need to go in at all, but when i go in i said "shhhh, everything is allright, just go back to sleep" and i wait that she falls back to sleep. You already said it will last from 1-2 weeks. I can go with that. I decided to do this, so i will stick to it, she is 25mth!!! But interesting thing is that she has never mention a word "paci" in this time, like she does not know what she is missing, just something...

Tnx a lot, kisses!

Offline weaver

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Re: 25 months pacifier
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2014, 20:48:07 pm »
Yeah, I'd hope that the number of wake ups for this reason should reduce and then stop. But there may be other ones.  My 27 mo still has the occasional NW, not very unusual, but all I do is the same as you, 'shhh, time to go to sleep' and back to bed. 

Best of luck!
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.