Hi Laura,
thanks for answering and i know its been a few days of me trying to figure this out and its not working... I'll give you the whole story...

so my DD is 5 months old and 11 pounds (tiny girl)
she's been on almost an every 4 hour eating schedule, i clock it from the time she finishes a bottle to the time she starts the next bottle. i don't always catch all her sleeps cause there are some cat naps here and there. i also have a 21 month old DS that we run after a lot or he wakes her from her naps and then there it goes

. so you can see a few Activities where there shouldn't be.
she drinks about 5oz a bottle or a little less and I've noticed that when i give her more she is extremely fussy and doesn't ever finish the bottle. OH and she is on Donor BM if that matters too. it takes her about 20-30 minutes to finish the bottle
heres yesterday and todays schedule
Saturday Night
Bed Time routine
E 7:20
S 7:50PM-4:00AM
E 12:20am DF ( i know it is late but she had VERY limited sleep on saturday so i let her go)
change diaper slight wake up 12:30am but down immediately after
E 4:30
S 5:20-7:10
E 9:00am
S 10:50am-12:00pm
E 1:20pm
S 3:15-5:00pm
E 5:20
A calming activity
S 8:10pm-3:15am MONDAY
DF 10:20pm
E 3:10am
S 3:45am-4am
UP but quite trying to get back dow
S 4:30-6:30am
E 7:30am
S 9:45-10:45am
E 12:00pm
S 2:10-2:45pm
E 4:40pm
S 7:00pm
SO my big question here is when she takes a bottle at 5 or so then has some activity and is ready for bed at 7 how do i deal with her next feed. If i try and give her a little to top her off before she goes down, she just doesn't take it, maybe an oz but really its pushing it. I also know at least during the day when too much goes in she spits up a good bit so to top her off at night feels like im stuffing her.
Since she goes every 4 hours and i can't curb that at night, tonight i feel like i will be feeding her at 9pm, 1:30am, 6am and so on.
Shouldn't she be able to go 6 hours at night by now, or is she still too young?
I thought i read somewhere that if they wake at different times every night that its real hunger but if it was the same time every night 3:23 or 4:04 then its habit. Is that right?
If thats the case then she's really hungry... i never get the same time , ever we are all over the place!
HELP PLEASE I'm going crazy here and all alone