Author Topic: BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?  (Read 1149 times)

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Offline Hayleys

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BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?
« on: August 31, 2014, 13:47:27 pm »

My DD will be 26 months next week. We have been having on going sleep issues for the last 4 months which have progressively been getting worse. Her EAS which we try to work around is this:
WU: 6-6:30
S 12:30 - 2:30 (capped)
BT 7 pm 

However in reality it has not been like this since our problems began. So initially, when she was 22 months, she was taking about 1 and a half to 2 hrs to fall asleep at bedtime. I posted here and a thought was it could be developmental so I left it to just see what happens. At this time she was very settled whilst in her cot at BT and I could easily leave the room, she would then just take ages to drift off!!   

I did try a little to move her nap to 1pm and then also cap it to an hr and a half but this did not make any difference so we went back to a 2 hr nap and just tried to wait it out  We also tried black out blinds in her room as it is still light here at 7 pm but again this did not make any difference. She was mainly getting about a 9 -10 hr night and having a 2 hr nap.
In the last few weeks everything has gone severely wonky.  She has still been taking about 2 hrs to fall asleep at bedtime but resisting it and trying to prolong her wind down routine.  She goes to bed with two lovelies and will start throwing them out of the cot and then crying until we give them back to her.  The more tired she gets the less she will do this and then eventually fall asleep independently.  This on its own I haven't minded too much as generally she has been settled however now she is getting hysterical at both nap and bedtime and not wanting to go down for either myself or my husband.

We have been away for the last week or so and as we were staying with relatives we chose to take her out in the car for her nap.  This was because about a week before going she was getting very resistant to nap time and would get very easily upset.  After a car journey she would easily transfer to the cot and as BT was an issue we also decided to keep her up at BT so we didn't have two hrs of trying to settle her whilst in someone else house. We actually then noticed that she was much more receptive to going to bed with a later BT.  However, yesterday was our first day back and BT was the worst it has been but this could have been made worse by OT. This was her EASY yesterday:
WU 6:50
S: 1:25 - 2:55 pm (capped, tried to put her in the cot but she was hysterical )
BT 8:30 (very upset screaming, had to do wi/wo and in the end cuddled her (as she was head banging) she then asked for her lovelies and laid down and went to sleep at 9:10).

Obviously her day is way too long and I feel yesterday at BT she was actually way OT, but now I feel really lost as to know what to do.  She has been pushing her day to about a 15 hr one for about 4 months now and I'm beginning to wonder if this is the start of the 1-0.  She has been on one nap since about 13 months but generally I've thought her sleep needs have been average.  Teeth are definitely not in the mix.  Can this all really still be developmental? 

This morning after falling asleep at 9:10 last night she didn't wake until 7:30 am.  So I really don't know where to start to get back on track. She is napping now and fell asleep after a car ride at 1:30 and I plan to get her up at 3 pm.  We are thinking about then trying an 8 pm bedtime tonight after an hr and a half nap  and see how that goes.

Does anyone have any thoughts about all of this?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2014, 04:44:05 am »
I think she sounds stuck in an ut/ot loop. I really don't think it is totally the 1-0 yet but perhaps the nap needs more capping to allow for a better night so she can sustain herself the next day. Did you end up tryng an 8 pm bedtime?

Offline Hayleys

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Re: BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2014, 09:35:03 am »

Thank you for your response.

Yes we went for an 8 pm bedtime last night so the day looked like this after a 10 and a half hour night.

WU 7:30
S: 1:30 – 3:00 (took her out in the car and then transferred into the cot, had to wake her up after an hr and a half
BT: 8:00 (Went to bed without any resistance; however she did not fall asleep until 9:10.  During that time she was continually throwing her lovelies out of her cot and seemed in a very hyper state – running around in the cot.  I think this was OT and I do feel I could have got her to bed earlier than 8 pm.
She then slept all night but woke at 7 am so only had a 10 hr night.  She did seem very tired this morning. 

So the 1 and a half hour nap is only something which we have been doing for a few days really, before she was having a 2 hr nap.  I’m just not sure how to get out of this UT/OT loop.  We are planning to try to get her to bed a little earlier tonight maybe 7:30 and still giving her an 1hr and a half nap at 1 ish.  I’m used to her WU being 6-6:30 am so not sure what time her nap should be now that she is waking earlier.  Also we have always worked with about a 13 hr day which in the past has been very effective.  Any idea on how to move forward? 

Thanks Hayley

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Re: BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2014, 19:54:02 pm »

So I was at work all day today and my husband was looking after her. This was her EAS

WU 7 am
S 1:30-3 pm
BT 7 pm (asleep at 8:45)

She was extremely tired this morning as I mentioned in my previous post. At 1 pm my husband tried to get her down for a nap but she was hysterical. I think this was partly because she was so tired and also because she has got used to the habit of a car ride at nap time while we were away. He actually had to hold her to sleep on the chair in the end as he didn't have the car. He then woke her at 3 pm and sat with her on his lap watching TV. She actually then fell back to sleep and he had to wake her up!

When I got home I put her down at 7 pm. She wasn't crying but was throwing a lovelies out a lot and getting upset until I went in and have them back to her. I just want to get sleep into her right now so I'm happy to do this for now and it got less after 8 pm.

I was hoping that she would fall asleep sooner. I'm just wonder what time I should set her naps for if she wakes tomorrow at 6 or 7 am and what to set for BT too. Perhaps an hr and a half is too long a nap, but she is so tired, what do you think?

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Re: BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2014, 21:41:18 pm »
Hi there our Los are the same age, we're doing capped nap pd just before 1 wake him at 2.30pm regardless I've found the time between wake up and BT needs to be at least 5hrs or we get awful mucking regardless
Of how long he actually slept, so BT is 7.15/7.30 asleep within 15/20 mins.  On nursery days they do 12.30-2 nap so we bring BT forward and accept he'll wake abit earlier.
Maybe the WU at 3 is too late, could you pull the nap earlier at all?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2014, 00:29:05 am »
The thng is if she can get some earlier bedtimes in and get good nights then doing a shorter nap will be okay. I agree with having the nap end sooner - if you think a longer A to bed is something that works for your lo!

Offline Hayleys

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Re: BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2014, 19:54:04 pm »

Thank you both for your responses!!

She only had a 9 hr 45 min sleep last night and again she was very tired this morning! She also actually woke at one point in the night crying but settled immediately once I had gone in to her. This is what her day looked like:

WU: 6:30
S: 12:50 - 2:20 (capped)
BT 7:15 (did not fall asleep until 8:45 ish. She also was very teary before she fell asleep!)

I really don't know what to think at the moment she is so tired and this afternoon had a big tantrum which I could see was due to tiredness. I was hopefully this morning that a longer A time before BT could help but unfortunately it hasn't seemed to have made a difference. Yesterday she woke up at 3 pm and today 2:20 but still fell asleep at 8:45 ish!!

I'm not sure what is the best way forward from here, any ideas? I desperately want to get her to have more night sleep!

Offline Hayleys

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Re: BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2014, 20:12:45 pm »

So after a few days of trying a shorter nap of 1 and a half hours were used to go back to a 2 hr one today. Our EAS looked like this:
WU 6:50
S 12:45 - 2:45 (capped, but think she was about to wake)
BT 8 pm (asleep by 8:50)

She was so more refreshed this afternoon and was in great mood, no tantrums!! She also fell asleep at the same time she had yesterday with a shorter nap.

She is still resisting her nap though and right now I am choosing to take her for a car rude and then transfer her into her cot. 

I'm just wondering if you think we should continue with this. It means her days are getting longer but she seems to be struggling with less day sleep. I remember reading on the 1-0 tread that some little ones do push their days longer and they find it hard to cope with less day sleep. Do you think this is happening to her? Or should we just try cutting the nap down even further.

Hayley x

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: BT and nap time gone wonky, is this the start of 1-0?
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2014, 00:48:40 am »
I'm guessing it is similar to the 2-1 in that the day either has to get longer or the nap shorter. My kids handled ot okay so I kind of pushed the issue with them to get nights where I wanted (well with DD1 anyways so her bedtime did not end up so much later than DD2's!).