Hi all, so DS started day care about 2 weeks ago.

I started him then as I go back to work tomorrow so I wanted to give him some time to get used to it. He's only going 2 days a week and our babysitter will have him 3 days a week watching him in our home. Here's my concern. I need to leave the house by 6:15 to drop him off at her house in the AM (she has her own kids to get ready for school so she can't comehere). That means getting him up at 6am at the latest to get him dressed and in the car. This is going to be a substantial shift to his routine nevermind having to get up early.
He's always been an early riser but he will occasionally sleep til 6:30-6:45. I've started to shift his BT from 7:30 to 7 as he still naps about 1.45 to 2hrs a day and is pulling 10.5hr nights. I"m assuming his nap is too long but he loves it and I need him to get up early anyway.. Question is how to I ease this transition of having to wake him up before he's ready. I've never woken him for anything.
Second question is at daycare he's only sleeping 45min so a 6am wake up and a 45min nap is going to lead to some serious OT. He's not much a tacker but I guess an EBT is the only answer? Which also stinks since I wont get home till 5 and if he's got an ebt I wont see him much.
This stinks. My commute is 1hr30min that's why I have to leave so early. Have to be there by 8 school starts at 8:15.