Author Topic: info on when to introduce potentially allergic foods  (Read 1462 times)

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info on when to introduce potentially allergic foods
« on: September 02, 2014, 22:38:08 pm »
I have seen sooooo much information on the web about when to introduce foods to babies. I am wondering if any of you have found a good website that helps me understand when to introduce things such as eggs, strawberries, citrus, chocolate, milk, etc.

a good food chart would be great.

my DS is 10 months old and almost weaned from the breast. we are slow at adding new foods because i am scared of food allergies, but we are doing pretty well. He has eaten different fruits and veggies, oats, and now wheat, and seems to be doing fine.

just curious about a trusted website that has an easy food allergy chart and when is good to introduce it.


Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: info on when to introduce potentially allergic foods
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2014, 05:07:24 am »
Do you have any history of food allergies in the family? We do (kids have 3 first cousins with anaphylactic allergies to multiple foods)so with the first two we followed the recs of the time which was to intro slowly and leave off stuff like egg/nuts/seafood until after one...but five years later and the recs have done a 180 degree turn - with DD3 we were to intro everything starting at 6 months (except honey) and keep feeding the foods regularly.