Here we go again. It's 0300 I can here her stiring. I looked at the monitor I could see her sucking her cloth quietly with eyes opening now. Then 15 mins later she called for me asking for water so I went in have her some then walked out. 10mibs later she called for me again. Thinking she might be hot I went in n change her sleeping bag to a thinner one then she insisted on looking for her daddy so we went in out room n climbed in bed n gave daddy a cuddle. We then said night night n I tried to put her to put n she cried wanting to go to my room finally she let me put her in bed then I left the room. 10 mins later she whined n stayed in bed sucking her cloth.
Should I cut her nap further???
Wu 0730 (due to night wake) I woke her up
Nap 1245 in bed asleep by 1300-1435 woke up herself
Bedtime 1920 in bed asleep 1950
Nw 0300
Is our routine wrong? Normally if no night wake nap is 1.5-2hr with a 13hr day
I m thinking maybe she is waking up at night undertired?
? I don't know maybe i can try to cut nap to 1hr 15 since 1.5hr makes no diff as she still is having nw?
Pls anyone help me pls I m so desperate. TIA