Author Topic: 5.5 month old 3-4am wakings. only settles with feed. PU/PD not working  (Read 1168 times)

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I read through may posts and the book and still need help.
My 5.5 mo old son is on a 4hr routine. We give him a 10:30 dream feed (takes 190ml of expressed milk) and wakes up between 3 and 4 screaming. my husband, who puts him down every night and gives the dream feed, tries PU/PD but it simply does not work. It has been going on for weeks and we are desperate.
Any tips? Should my husband just do P/S when he wakes up until LO is asleep and then put him down (this is I know a no-no, but would it be better then feeding?)
Thank you!!!!

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Re: 5.5 month old 3-4am wakings. only settles with feed. PU/PD not working
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 03:54:42 am »
I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch, that's no fun!  Some babies get very stimulated by PU/PD and it actually hinders them self-soothing, my DS included.  I have never been able to use PU/PD with him so that may be the case with your DS.
Could you write down your EASY so we can take a peek and see if anything is happening there?  Also, what does P/S stand for?