Author Topic: Tummy still so unsettled  (Read 1041 times)

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Tummy still so unsettled
« on: September 11, 2014, 13:10:45 pm »
Hi all,
My LO is 11 weeks old today and she is EBF. She gets one bottle of expressed BM for the last feed before BT with rice cereal in it for her reflux. We are on a pretty good 3 hour routine with some short napping issues as typical for this age. Her tummy is still so unsettled though. I feed one sided to make sure she gets enough hind milk and only offer the other side once she emptied the first breast. That usually only happens in the afternoon when my supply decreases. If I am too engorged at nightor in the morning, I usually express an oz before feeding to make sure she does not fill up with just foremilk. I do not consume any dairy since she was born because that was an issue with my DS and I did not want to take a chance with her. ;) But she is still gassy throughout the day and especially in the early am hours starting about 4 am. Her poos are usually normal yellowish with some mucous. Sometimes she has light green watery blowout poops though. She struggles to pass gas or have a bowel movement all the time, and I think half the time she does not transition after a sleep cycle because she is bothered by her tummy. She was born 3 weeks early byc section, so that might also have an effect on her digestive system.
When is this going to get better?

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Re: Tummy still so unsettled
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2014, 14:52:13 pm »
we have similar here with DS who was 6 weeks early. I cut out most dairy and soy and I have to really watch the veggies I eat. Ill try new stuff every so often to see if it has an effect on him. Cucumbers, peppers, edemame, chocolate, and leafy greens are some that ive found that really effect him. It does get better the older they get though...ive noticed that when he does have gas hes gotten better at passing it now that hes 12 weeks (6 adjusted). It still stinks though bc I would kill to eat a big fresh salad but right now I just cant. I have a problem with over supply that has also gotten a little better but I found that even when I would let some out of my breast DS would still gulp a lot just bc my flow seems to be fairly fast and this caused a lot of tummy issues for him. I try and be very mindful of how I hold him if I know that my flow is really fast (its about 50/50 that its fast or normal). Once we got the gulping figured it it seemed to really help with the gas.


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Re: Tummy still so unsettled
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 10:49:49 am »
Is the rice cereal on your doctor's recommendation? She is really young for solid food and her digestive system is almost certainly not ready for it. In the UK we are recommended not to put cereal in the bottle at any age as it is a choke hazard. I'd speak to your dr about alternatives like a thickener (like carobel) or gaviscon as those are not digested like cereal especially as it doesn't seem to have solved the problem anyway.

Is she milk protein intolerant or have you just cut dairy as a precautionary measure? Many LOs who are intolerant to milk are also intolerant to soy so it could be worth cutting that out as well but I'd speak to your dr first. As pp says there could still be other foods contributing so maybe keep a food diary and see if there is a pattern.

Also I know you mentioned getting engorged so do you think you have over supply and/or and Overactive letdown? Check out this FAQ and see what you think. Oversupply and Overactive (Forceful) Let-Down
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