Author Topic: Night weaning and introduction of dream feed at 5 mo, 1 wk  (Read 1085 times)

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Offline LRayWag

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Night weaning and introduction of dream feed at 5 mo, 1 wk
« on: September 12, 2014, 14:06:30 pm »
Hey everyone! A quick "what would you do" question: We are about 4-5 days into weaning our DD from the night feedings she picked up when she was around 4 months old. Prior to this she began STTN on her own from 5-6 weeks (swaddled) up to that point. About a week after she started waking once in the night at 4 months, we had to ditch the swaddle due to her rolling over, and ever since we have been trying to get her sleep back on track. We have actively been incorporating the 4 hour EASY for about a week now, and Monday night was the first night we did not feed her when she woke twice in the night (just used shush-pat or PUPD). Tuesday and Wednesday nights she only woke once (3:30am Tues, 4:30am Thurs), and last night she woke twice. We haven't fed her in the night since Sunday.

In an effort to "go by the book," I also introduced a 10:30pm DF, and I'm still conflicted about this. My thinking is that the 4 month sleep regression, loss of swaddle, and growth spurt likely caused her to wake up more in the night, making her used to getting extra feeds (or just mom time!) when she didn't used to have them. So in an effort to get her back on track and STTN again, we would eliminate the NFs but add in the DF so that she would begin by going 8-9 hours without food instead of right into the 10-12 hours of a full night without food (which she used to do without a problem). This being the first time I've ever done DFs, though (4 days on now), I'm finding it very stressful! I always worry about waking her, and last night she woke every 3 hours after the DF... 1:30am, 4:30am and up for the day at 6:30am. I'm worried that the DF is maybe making her think that she can expect to get a meal every 3 hours in the night, even though we are no longer feeding her after the DF.

I guess my real questions are: Would you keep up the DF, or lose it and focus on the minimizing the NW's? If we do cut out the DF, do we need to go through the tapering process, even though she's only been having it a few days? I hope it doesn't come across as purely selfish reasons for me to want to cut out the DF...I'm genuinely concerned that the quality of her sleep is compromised by incorporating it. Plus I know it will have to go away eventually and would love to not have to wean from yet another thing!

Quick stats: DD is 5 months/1 week old, weighs 16+ pounds, 26+" long, and is EBF. As I mentioned, we are on the 4 hour EASY, and working on improving naps and making some progress. Bedtime is typically 7-7:30pm, wake up time is usually 6:30-7:30am. ANY advice is welcome!!! Thank you in advance!

Offline lauradj

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Re: Night weaning and introduction of dream feed at 5 mo, 1 wk
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2014, 21:20:46 pm »
If she's used to STTN without a DF, I don't think you need to bring one in at this age.  Lots of Moms here never did it, just because it didn't work for them or their babies refused it.  If you've only been doing the DF for a few days, you'll probably be ok to just cut it out.  If you're worried about making up the calories, you can cluster feed before bed time.

Offline LRayWag

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Re: Night weaning and introduction of dream feed at 5 mo, 1 wk
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2014, 00:44:47 am »
Thanks for your reply, lauradj. I think we may attempt to bypass it tonight. Last night I accidentally woke her after the DF, and she promptly spit up in her crib! Luckily she put herself back to sleep within 10 minutes, but it didn't help my DF anxiety! However, she did have her longest non-waking stretch since we've been weaning the NFs: 11pm (end of DF) to 6am! I focused on giving her long feeds today and clustered at 5 and 7, so she really shouldn't be hungry...fingers crossed this begins to work! I certainly did not want her to begin expecting the DF. Thanks again for your help.

Offline lauradj

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Re: Night weaning and introduction of dream feed at 5 mo, 1 wk
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2014, 01:56:29 am »
You're welcome!  I hope it goes smoothly, I'm sure it will  :D  Sleep tight!

Offline LRayWag

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Re: Night weaning and introduction of dream feed at 5 mo, 1 wk
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2014, 14:33:12 pm »
I am happy to report that...drumroll...she slept through the night!!! 8pm-6am with no NW and no DF! I am cautiously optimistic this will continue, but so glad I decided to drop the DF at this point. Thank you for your encouragement! Now to wake up this transformed baby from her 2 hour nap  ;)