There's plenty of time for her to have solids later on, and it's fun for us too so I can see why you've done it! Milk is so so much more important and once I was told that it had far more calories than solids I scaled ours back too.
Yes, I would definitely increase the amounts in the bottles if she seems like she wants more. Averages are there just as a guide, but many LO's drink more or less than that. It's a case of reading your LO and giving her what she wants until she can tell you herself! You'd want there to be at least around an oz left in the bottles so you know she's full, she'll stop when she's ready. Babies are very good at self-regulating so please don't worry about over feeding with milk.
It's up to you about changing the formula. I haven't any experience with Hipp, I used aptamil too. I'd actually wait a few days and see if the windy tummy settles now you're not giving so much dinner. It might be an idea to not give fruit for dinner as some lo's get a windy tummy with that. Perhaps leaving out dinner for for a few weeks? Worth a try? It takes a long time for their stomach to mature and to adjust to having solids.
My DD always liked breakfast too!