My LO is in his 5th week - was 10 days overdue and a 10lb at birth. He is thriving and mostly sleeping well at night. During the day he doesn't fuss much - as soon as he shows cues I put him down and if I give him Paci he will lie there semi-sleeping (eyes open.. drift off.. surface..) I usually have him VERY well swaddled so not much jolting. I have a block out cover over him (like a tent) which helps for when his eyes are open to keep him from stimulation.
Thing is - if I stay in the room to help him through transitions, it seems to keep him awake.
If I leave he queitens down ... until he wakes when the paci comes out.
So I am never sure if he is sleeping. Plus I hate the fact that he needs the paci all the time - I had hoped to give it to him only at night, now he needs it more in the day.
If DH rocks him or we put him in stroller/sling he will drop straight off, but I want to avoid AP unless APOP is absolutely necessary!
So the question is - to stay or go?