My little one seems to be stuck in 45 min nap, 45 min wake routine! Our routine is as follows:
6:30am eat
6:50am wake
7:45am sleep
8:30 eat
9:15/9:30 sleep
And so on...
The day goes on where my LO ends up eating and being awake for a total of 45min- 1 hour and then sleeping for only 45min. He easily goes down for his first morning nap and mostly easy for his second nap but, because of his short naps, he takes about 5-7 short naps throughout the day. It's exhausting for both of us! Towards the end of the day he fights the naps and will either fight going to sleep or wakes up the minute I put him down or within 30 min. Sometimes he seems hungry so I feed him even though it does not follow the EASY routine. I try to make sure he gets a full feeding by offering one breast until he won't latch and then I offer the second.
He seems most alert and happy first thing in the morning because he has had good sleep and, as the day goes on, he is still happy but quieter and more easily frustrated because he isn't g
Getting good sleep during the day.
How do I get him to take longer naps? It seems that the only way I can sometimes get him to sleep longer at nap time is by letting him sleep on me or nursing him back to sleep!
Also, if it's important, bath time and bedtime routine is started at 6pm and I start the 4S routine at 6:30pm and he is usually asleep by 6:50/7:10. We have the same issues with him staying asleep and he usually will wake screaming/ crying about 4-5 times so he isn't down for the night until about 8pm/ 8:30pm. He wakes at 1:30 or 2:30am regardless of a 10/11pm dream feed and then wakes at either 3:30 or 4:30am, then 5:30 and 6am. I feed him at the 1:30/2:30 wake and the 3:30/4:30 wake.
Can someone please help? The short naps are killing me and I know there are probably a lot of issues going on and I want my LO to have good restful sleep- especially since I am going back to work soon!
Thanks in advance for your help!