Hi, ever since we moved to a new home 3.5 months ago my now 30 month old has been having sleep issues, she's both, having trouble going to bed at night and then she's waking up in the middle of the night. Oue bed routine generally is dinner, then bath, then milk, and then we put her to bed. In our previous home she would go to bed just fine, and she would fall asleep on her own, of course she had her cycles when she had trouble going to bed but it never lasted more than 1-2 weeks. We are noe to the point when we are very frustrated with her, we have tried singing songs, reading books, letting her fall asleep on our bed and then moving her to her room, letting her fall asleep on the couch and then putting her in her room, everyhting seems to work but just for a few days, then we're back to having issues. When we finally get her to fall asleep, she will most likely get up once or twice in the middle of the night screaming but, it is not the kind of screaming from fear or night terrors, she just wants to get in bed with us, or maybe she is just testing us. He have tried to put her back to bed nicely singing songs, we have tried ignoring her and let her fall asleep on the floor if that's what she wants, we even led her fall asleep beside our bed. Again, works for a few days, then she will not stop crying and screaming unless we let her sleep with us, which we are not doing, we have a small bed and she moves way to much and kicks us and does not let us sleep. She wakes up crying and screaming, if we ignore her she will quietly walk to our room and stan up beside our bed and will start calling us to get our attention, if we get up and put her back to bed, she'll be up and screaming as soon as we leave the room, she does the same thing whether we sing songs and try to relax her, or if we spank her. We really really hate spanking herbut, when this has been going on for 3.5 months and nothing seems to help, you just get too frustrated On top of all, i am now 9 weeks pregnant and getting very upset atn nights and not getting enough rest. I am concerned that this may affect the baby that I am expecting and we also want to fix things before the new baby arrives... Please help? we are desperate... we need to stop the battles at home...
What’s his/her daily routine? She goes to daycare at 7:00am and I pick her up at 4:15…then we go to bed, we play for a while, she eats dinner at about 7pm, 8pm is bath time, 8:30 she drinks her milk, and then at around 9:00pm she goes to bed.
What’s nap routine? She naps from about 12:45 until about 3:00 at daycare
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? Sometimes it is what I described above, some nights are good and she only wakes up, cries for a few seconds and goes back to sleep. I would say it is 50/50 between both behaviors.
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry? Not sure, she cries uncontrollably while we are giving her attention, if we ignore her she’ll enforece the defying action which is getting up from bed and walk to our room, even if we ask her to please go to her room she’ll say “no”. If we get up from bed and take her back to her bed she’ll start crying and screaming
What have you tried to settle?? Rubbings her back and telling her it’ll be fine, standing there next to her, leaving the bathroom light on… and even spanking her on top of her diaper..
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? She’s been potty training (using pull ups) since before this thing started so not sure that it may be affecting… it all started when we moved to our new home…
Do they have a lovie? Yes, a blanket and Stuffed animal