Author Topic: 5.5 month old solids  (Read 2289 times)

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Offline Nickie18

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5.5 month old solids
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:21:41 am »
Our little lady is 5.5 months old now. starting feeding at 4 months old as she was drinking almost 40 oz a day. she is now up to 3 meals a day as she loves food- all pureed fruits and veggies. She is currently taking a bottle on 4 hour EASY and then eats about one hour later. My concern is if that is the correct timing for food and formula. She has decreased the amount she is drinking some- about 26-32 oz a day, even sometimes only 3-4 oz at a feed which scares me.

Does this sound ok for a 5 month old? Not sure if we should reduce the amount of food at each meal or just go with it since her formula intake seems ok. She has been waking for one NF still that changes every night. she is only 13 pounds so not a big baby...


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Re: 5.5 month old solids
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2014, 09:12:06 am »
She is currently taking a bottle on 4 hour EASY and then eats about one hour later. My concern is if that is the correct timing for food and formula.
Sounds great!

She has decreased the amount she is drinking some- about 26-32 oz a day, even sometimes only 3-4 oz at a feed which scares me.
Looks like she's still taking plenty of milk most of the time even thought there's been a drop.
You say some days it's only 3-4oz, so times 5 feeds = 15-20oz in 24hrs. This is a bit on the low side but if she is getting any dairy solids too then this also counts towards the daily dairy intake. It doesn't look like there is a problem.

Being on 3 meals solids per day is perhaps not all that common for a 5 month old but it looks like you are following her lead on portions and so long as she has a balanced diet and the milk doesn't drop too low there should be no problem.

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Re: 5.5 month old solids
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 09:22:22 am »
Nickie what worked /or not worked for us/:
- for morning and lunch we feed closer to milk feed or even immediately after, he is happy to eat solids even when not interested in more milk; it also helps when his milk feed is small let say at 11am, than he is hungry at 12 and eats lot of solids, and than he takes another small milk feed at 3pm; so if his milk feed was smaller than normal I offer solids immediately after so he is not full of solids for another milk feed
- cereal for breakfast was a killer for us:/ he wasn't hungry for hours later so I just cut it out and offered only fruits after morning feed and only now reintroducing some cereal for breakfast


Offline Nickie18

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Re: 5.5 month old solids
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2014, 18:27:48 pm »
Thank you- great ideas! She is drinking more now, but wonder week is here and is somewhat fussy. She really enjoys eating, but seems she is not eating as much. goign to start to introduce meats soon...