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Offline K-JDA

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Advice to get back on track
« on: September 20, 2014, 06:41:13 am »
Hi all

Hoping you can advise in getting DS back on track after a hectic 10 days of SIL wedding and us going on holiday resulting in sleep a bit all over the place routine wise.

The main issue is that we have lost IS at bedtime when we were away last week - he totally freaked at sleeping in a strange room and in a travel cot plus we were out and about quite a bit so some late nights. I ended up either rocking or holding my hand on his back to get him to sleep.  :'( His nights were a bit short too but he made up for it with longer naps. Yesterday he had a short nap due to car journey home so attempted EBT of 6.30 but he freaked again and had to help him to sleep once again. He fell asleep 7 til 6 so not bad and he will hopefully have a good nap today.

Today we have a party at our house as it is DS's 2nd birthday on Tuesday so intend to help him at bedtime again if needed as he could be late to bed plus keen to avoid a difficult bedtime when we have guests round but am planning on getting back on track either Sunday or Monday.

For info his usual routine is

WU 6-6.30 (he has a gro clock set for 6)
Nap 1-2.30 (capped)
Bed 7

I tried some WIWO last night and it was dreadful - he just screamed and shouted mummy! Not had to do WIWO for a while, particularly since he started saying my name, and just need some advice about how to do it with an older toddler. Do you lie them back down when you go in? Is it ok just to talk from the door? Just thinking through the best approach.

Other info - DS is 2 next week so we are probably also dealing with a developmental leap too as he has literally started speaking 4-5 word sentences whilst we have been away. He is a touchy toddler. His SA will no doubt be bad when he goes back to nursery after a week off next week so not sure if this should affect my approach? Also his bottom 2 year molars are forming but not causing too many issues - I could medicate at bedtime to ensure this is not an issue whist ST?

Grateful as ever for your thoughts.

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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2014, 12:08:25 pm »

Bless you, sounds like a bit of a pickle. Well usually with IS I'd gave no hesitation in suggesting isinglass Wi:WO even after a relatively short period of aproping. And no it's not pretty, but I think I it's worked for you previously it's worth sticking with.

In terms I meds, if you think that could be a contributing factor I would medicate so in your own mind you can rule it put and concentrate on getting back on track.

You will ime have some issues re: sleep and elements of regression simply down to age, but even then I employ gone same methods for R - reassurance and WI/WO. I learnt a harsh lesson at the 18m SR.

Incidentally you routine IMO looks good - I would leave that alone for now at least.



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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2014, 13:13:04 pm »
That's great thanks.

Agree his routine is good for him at the moment - the capped nap/gro clock have stopped his tendency for  EWs for now!!

Hate WI/WO but I know it works - just seems it will be harder this time round now that he is very articulate at what he does and does not like!!! 

Plucking up the courage to start tomorrow - will enjoy the birthday party first! I may be back...😀

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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2014, 14:28:48 pm »
Absolutely, have a fabulous time and happy birthday to your LO  ;D

I totally agree re: age and being more articulate which is why its ime more important a than ever to adopt a no nonsense approach and stick with it!


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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2014, 10:22:19 am »
One last quick question - he is OT today as only 10 hrs ONS last night. Going to do a slightly earlier/longer nap but should I start today or try and catch up on OT first?

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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2014, 09:48:34 am »

Sorry for the late reply. I would have done just that - earlier and longer nap. What did you do, how did you get on?


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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2014, 18:23:29 pm »

He had an earlier/longer nap and then did a slightly earlier bedtime at 6.45 - did WIWO and he was asleep by 7.15. STTN til Just before 6.

Back on usual routine at nursery today with 1.5hr nap and it has just taken 15 mins of WIWO to settle him - much less crying and fewer times going in as a result. So hopefully getting there now.

Thanks for the support. 😄

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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2014, 19:21:42 pm »
That's great news. I'm pleased things are settling for you. Got eveything crossed it lasts xx

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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2014, 07:17:30 am » was all going well til last night. Back to the normal routine although no longer than 11hr nights. He screamed for an hour at bedtime - ended up having to stay with my hand on him til he fel asleep as he was nearly making himself sick he was so upset and then up screaming at 5am and totally unable to resettle.

The fact he allowed me to put teething gel on tells me it's probably his back molars as normally he would clamp his mouth shut or try to bite me! He was also demanding milk and chewing the teat of the bottle like crazy.

We are going to end up in a right old mess here - any tips for getting through without too many props? His first molars were awful and took a lot of ST after they were through and really want to try to minimise AP if possible as I've learnt the hard way!

Also I was trying to find the support thread for molars but couldn't spot it - any ideas where it is?


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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2014, 21:12:08 pm »
Lol, I didn't know there was a support thread for molars, if you find it let me know!!

Joking aside, big hugs, molars were awful here. I DM all the way - it was the only way despite the pain of the silly o'clock alarm. So for us it was meds 30mins before bed (so around 6.30pm), DM at 10.30-11pm and DM at 2.30-3am which would see us through to WU.

Meds are not for everyone but for us it worked. R always cut her teeth with super high temps son to some extend the choice was taken away as it became an exercise of managing her temp. We used paracetamol to do this but that didn't contend with the pain so we quite often had to use ibuprofen as well.

Hth x

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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2014, 10:47:02 am »
Don't have an issue with meds - they were essential during 1st molars. Worth a try - 3 hr NW last night so only an 8 hr night - ouch! Forgot how bad teeth were - you really get lulled into a false sense of security after a few months of good sleep. A very tired household here - early bed tonight, rock and roll!!! 😜

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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2014, 09:05:30 am »
So it turns out DS has an infection in both ears and is just stuffed full of a cold (which he has given to me!)! Poor thing is having a terrible time at night even on pain killers - last night he slept with me most of the night and had to be propped up on a pillow as that was the only way he was comfy. Hopefully the antibiotics will make a difference over the weekend. No IS at all at the moment and have had to rock him to sleep and everything. Just feel so sorry for him. 😔

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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2014, 11:01:54 am »
Bless him and you for that matter. I wouldn't worry about the IS for now hon, he needs his mummy. Just do what you need to to help him through, we can work the rest out later.

Hope you both feel better soon xxx

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Re: Advice to get back on track
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2014, 08:51:27 am »
Ok so he is loads and loads better - yay!!!

Nights are down to about 10 hrs though with NWs which I can only resettle with rocking and EWs and naps are longer than usual routine so back up to near 2 hrs.

I can move him back to his usual routine of 1.5hr nap but I am guessing the NWs will continue due to the lack of IS.

Today he EW at 5.20 but he got in bed with me and slept til 6.30. He will no doubt fall asleep at 12.15ish today on the way back from church. I was planning to let this nap to be up to 2 hrs as a longer catch-up and then asleep by 7. To guarantee a good bedtime I will have to help him and then maybe start ST tomorrow - what do you think? Plus WIWO? Or GW?