Author Topic: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?  (Read 3679 times)

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Offline obladi

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12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« on: September 23, 2014, 03:48:56 am »
Hi all,

When I first posted my question in here, EASY's moderator told me if we solve one problem something else pop up, here it comes  :(!

My LO has been on 3h EASY pretty good but since week 10 her nap time started to go wild. At first it was shorten to 1h and now 45-50mins. 10w wake time was 1h15 and as the naps got shorten I extended her wake time 5 mins each time but still got short naps. I am trying to put her on 3.5h EASY for the following reasons:
- She is not hungry after 3hours anymore
- Shorter naps
- Starts to wake at night apart from feeding time and wake up earlier in the morning

Daily routine is somewhat like this:
E: 7.00
S:8.30-9.50 then extend with shush pat 30 mins, back to sleep for another 1h last week and this week I only get 30mins to 45mins.

- Here is the trick, I put her down at 1.15, 1.20,1.25 all got cat nap 30mins (normally she falls asleep after 3-5mins so if I aim for S after 1.5h mark I will put her down 5 mins earlier). I tried to put her down earlier 1.10 mark she cried and cant settle to sleep, then fall asleep at 1.35 mark and sleep for 30mins.
Then I spend the whole lunch time extend her nap at every 30mins

E: 2.00 ish
S: 3.00 - 3.15 depending on how bad the lunch time nap is but still got crazy catnap, same like the some at 11

The rest of the day I cant control, sometimes she slept for 2 or 3 hours until bed time, sometimes I got nothing.

Bath time around 5.15 and 6 then bed time at 6 or 7 all depending on the naps
DF: 11.00 and NF 3.00, NT around 5 crying but back to sleep shortly

So far it gets harder and harder for me to extend her naps, she normally wakes up happy after a short nap in the morning (must be UT) and wake up crying in the afternoon (OT I think). However since the morning naps screwed up I have no idea how to continue the rest of the day so I spend all day extending her naps and both of us ended up miserable in the bed room instead of having some play time and I have no time to do anything for myself and beg for bed time to come soon.

Am I doing right with the A time for her? Aiming 1.5h for the morning and still around 1.20 for the afternoon one. Should I extend a bit more A time in the 1st morning nap?
If the first morning nap became 2 catnaps like above, how long should I put her down for the next one, maybe 1h?
What should I do with the A time in the afternoon?

I am dying for her to get back to her normal 2 to 2.5h nap :(
Please let's me know your opinion, it would be much appreciated! Thank you for your help.

Offline obladi

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2014, 06:05:24 am »
Today morning nap is like this:
E 7
A: 7 - 8.30 ( then put down with paci, leave the room)
S 8.30 - 9.20 then 9:50 to 10:20 then 10.25 to 11:15

A:11.15 - 12.23 (1h8mins) yawn at 1h wt mark, put down at the 2nd yawn, eyes closed after 5 mins then open after 2mins. Take me extra 45mins to get her to sleep :(
Following with 2 other naps for 30mins and from 3 to 5 eyes closed only for 5mins.

Bath time at 5.10, bed time 6.10 but wake up
After 45mins. Stay awake till 8 which never happend before, slept till 9 and wake again.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 13:56:44 pm by obladi »

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2014, 18:57:00 pm »
Hi there. This age can really be quite tricky as LOs start to get more alert and wakeful and sometimes they can have trouble transitioning between sleep cycles.

It's a little difficult to follow the day you have posted but I think it looks like your LO is getting OT over the whole day as the naps are not of particularly great quality or length. I think the first nap, although broken was a good length in total. So that second A time was probably a little short. I might have gone for a full A time of 1.5 hours again after that longish period of sleep for the first nap. So she couldn't settle and ended up a little OT overall the whole day, which might be what is leading to those NWs in the early part of the night.

Those feeds are quite well spaced out too - is she bottle fed or breast fed?

Sorry to not be very specific, perhaps you could post your day again tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. ((Hugs))
~ Naomi ~

Offline obladi

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2014, 21:45:08 pm »
Thank you for your reply. I have tried A time for 1.5h at the 2nd nap at the begining but got catnap. I guest it was OT because the first nap was broken so each day I shorten it 5mins but hans't changed. I think the trick is mostly this one. If this one is long enough she would not be OT for the rest of the day. I will try again tomorrow and let you know.

Thanks again x

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2014, 06:03:45 am »
Ok, remember if you change any A times to keep them like it for 3/4 days before changing again do your LO can get used to it. Good luck xx
~ Naomi ~

Offline obladi

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2014, 13:16:54 pm »
So I have spent another day shush patting and it's like this

E: 6.35
A: 6:35-8:00
S: 8:00-8.45 then 9.20-9.30

E: 9:30
A: 9.30-10.35
S: 10:35-11:00 then 11:30-12:00 then 12:15-1:15 (got 1h here because I hold her while shush patting, if not she normally wont settle herself)

E: 1:15
A: 1:15-2:45 (put down at 1h15/20mins mark, very sleepy, eyes rolling but cant settle)
S: 2:45-3:00

E: 4:15
Then fall asleep BF 10 mins and wake. Fall asleep again on the breast (yes I did it on purpose to get her to sleep :(
Sleep from 5, wake again at 7 for feed and right back to sleep. No bath today as I would rather let her sleep.

So we have days either she sleeps like this, depending on the situation I would wake her for a bath or not and other days she doesnt sleep in the afternoon. Each time I put her down I pray that it would last 2h and got 30mins. I must have done something wrong somewhere and poor my LO. Please let me know what you think.


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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2014, 19:59:01 pm »
I think you need to extend that first A time a bit more - can ou try 1 hr 40 mins for that first one and hold it at that for three or four days.

I would suggest just trying to focus on this first nap and perhaps not worry too much about later naps being in the cot. So your day could look like this:

WU and E: 6.30
S: 8.10 - if you get a nap of 1.5 or longer - so 9.40 ish A

Then try next A time at 1 hour 40 as well so next nap would be
S: 11.20- whenever.

If you get a shorter nap i would try to resettle for fifteen mins or so but possibly no longer. This might be frustrating for you and your LO. Bear in mind that a 45 min nap is UT so it is hard to get them back to sleep. You're more likely able to settle a 30 min OTnap.

You might find for the first few days the sleep after an A time change is still a bit off, but that's probably just your LO adjusting. If after a few days you're still getting 45 min naps you'll need to extend it again.

This time is quite a big time of change for your LO and there may be a growth spurt around now too.

What do you think?
~ Naomi ~

Offline obladi

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2014, 13:34:47 pm »

Thank you. I have extended the A time to 1.40 for 4 days record. So far the first nap she still wakes up after 50mins. 2 times I managed to extend the nap (tried hard) and the other 2 I just got her up for activity.

The day now is like this:
WU and E: 6.30
S: 8.10

W: 9.00 E:9.30
S: 10.40 wake up after 50mins then extend with shush pat

W and E: 13.30
S 15.10

Today we took her out and she felt asleep, had a 30 mins catnap after only 1h A time
So what do you think I should do about the 50mins nap? Is this a UT or OT nap or it's just she had a difficult to transit from one sleep cycle to another? When she felt asleep after only 1h A time in the afternoon does it means that the A time in the morning is too long and she was tired?

Another thing is I have no idea how to calculate A time after an OT nap (we have it messed up 1 day because of the vaccination). I tried 1 hour earlier, 45mins and 1.30mins it's still came out catnap. IF the first nap screw up then the whole day is screw too.

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2014, 19:45:46 pm »
It is hard if that first nap doesn't go to plan. Perhaps a way forward would be to work on that first nap in the cot and then try to APOP a few other naps if needed throughout the day. You can work on all the naps at once but it can lead you to being stuck at home and stressed more about the sleep. It certainly helped me to cope with these difficult transitions getting out and about.

I think it would be worth adding some more time too that first A - this is a time of big changes and a move from the three to four hour EASY. Have you seen this thread?

Time to Transition - 3hr, 3.5hr or 4hr EASY

For some babies this can happen slowly, for mine it was quite a leap and I had to extend A times quite rapidly. Why not add another ten mins to that first A time and see how you go.

It is hard working on how long to make an A time after a short nap. I never quite got it right with my DD because she needed almost a full A time after a short nap. I would suggest aiming for 20 mins shorter (so in your case 1 he 30 mins) and keeping an eye out for tired cues. As an alternative you could aim for that second nap to be out and about in a buggy or car seat if that helps. With my DD a nap at this age out and about meant short naps (even if UT so this didn't help us get longer naps, it just helped my stress)

What do you think?
~ Naomi ~

Offline obladi

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2014, 02:19:36 am »
This morning (day 5) i got 40mins for the first nap, wake up crying, put in the bouncing chair then back to sleep after 20mins :( (too bad we have the manual bouncing chair :))
I had read the post in the link you send over over again before decided to start this topic. If I understand correctly, I should try adding extra 10mins in all the nap right? Is this include bed time as well?

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2014, 06:01:28 am »
You can do, or you can get the first nap right first. This is what I was referring to above. I personally found that I could add time to all As at the same time, but others find this too much and LOs respond better to adjusting one a at a time - it's up to you xx
~ Naomi ~

Offline obladi

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2014, 15:05:57 pm »
I tried 1.45 today and it works. Thanks for your help. I could not figure out that her A time increased so quickly. We just have a bit of a problem with the last nap, for the last 2 days she was sleepy but doesnt want to settle, cried big time and only fall asleep in the bouncing chair. The first 2 naps went very well.
Btw, Is 1h45' is a bit long for baby at this age?
Last question :), my LO is BF and she normally takes about 100 to 150ml per feed. There are a few nights that she sleeps straight till the morning and most night wakes up and only stays 5mins on the breast. Should I cut this feed right now?


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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2014, 05:19:16 am »
Yay, fingers crossed it works today too. What was your day when that last nap was a bit funny?

Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!

This link shows average A times with age. Yes it is true that 1hr45 is quite long for a baby of his age, but certainly not unheard of. All LOs are different and some need longer A times than average, and some less. Keep an eye on it and if you think OT is creeping in then you can pull it a bit shorter again.

I'n not sure I understand your question about feeding, sorry. Are you feeding breast milk from a bottle? Could you post your 24 hour day including feeds for me?
~ Naomi ~

Offline obladi

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2014, 04:05:28 am »
Hi, sorry for the delay, I have been trying to put my LO on bottle (expressed milk) to get the amount she takes but fail, she doesnt want bottle anymore so I have no idea how much she eats these days. However she skiped the 3am feed on her own already so I guess she has increased her milk intake during the day.

We still have a prob with the short naps. A time is now 1h50' and she still wakes up after 50 mins to 1h. During the night she wakes up a few times, 4 and 5 am as well. Does it means she needs 2h A time now?

Last nap still a bit struggling as she doesnt want to settle.

W & E: 7.10
S: 9.00

W: 9:55
S: 11:00

S: 2:50

Bath time

Bed time: 5:20 wake at 6
DF: 22:30
Night wake at 4 and 5

Offline obladi

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Re: 12w old A time 1.5h not enough?
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2014, 07:04:47 am »
Extended A time to 1h55m today still got 1hour naps only :((