Author Topic: BLW not going well, can I start over?  (Read 3383 times)

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BLW not going well, can I start over?
« on: September 27, 2014, 13:13:59 pm »
Maybe this belongs in food allergies or CRC so mods feel free to move it.

Im thinking that BLW was not the best idea for my lo :-\

Today she had stringy bits on her poop which was a little less dry then usual (to me this means that under normal circumstances she would have had diarrhea, or am I wrong ???). And in the past two weeks she has a nappy rush with redness all around it.The redness faded away and just as the rush started to dry off today I noticed that its back again, the rush and the redness.
She also has a few red dotes on her face here and there that come and go. And red cheeks form time to time(which I didnt knew is a symptom).
It does sound like a allergic reaction, right?
Since she is not eating any dairy, or meat I wanted to give her as diverse diet as possible so in the past 3 days she had eggs, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, rice, pasta, squash, green bean, apple, baby rice, dry apricot, plums, toast.....
The green bean was introduced today and after a day of screaming Im going to wait a while to give it again. But you can see why I dont know what is she reacting to?
She is 9 months now. Can I start over? Introducing solids like its for the first time. Pureed apple, plums then baby rice....then potatoes?

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2014, 13:23:41 pm »
You could still give her finger foods but go back to a more limited range of foods? So give baked apple wedges instead of pureed apples, etc...

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2014, 17:35:25 pm »
I'll move you over to the Food Allergies board for some more experienced eyes.

I don't have lots of experience with allergies but looking at the list of foods you gave her I'd suspect tomatoes and squash.

Agree with Anna that you can continue to offer food for self feeding and still follow baby's lead on quantities etc. It does look as though you need to identify the culprit for the reaction though so just limit the variety and introduce things back in more slowly.

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2014, 19:19:02 pm »
Tomatoes could be causing a contact allergy, my kids all get that to a degree. Eggs are actually one of the top allegens here I would suspect that one.

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2014, 19:25:45 pm »
A reaction to tomato can be fairly common in LOs. That would be my first thought as the acid in them could be giving some nappy rash.

I take it that list of foods are not all new in the last 2 weeks? Can you work out what was new since the rash started?

Offline dache

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2014, 08:11:29 am »
Thank you for your replays.
Anna, starting over with finger food its brilliant idea. She is started spiting up most food but eats a bit more when its finger food, so that`s perfect.
Nothing is new, except the green bean that made her gussy, activated her reflux, and she was in discomfort all day.
But I was also thinking eggs and tomatoes.
How about rice? Can rice and baby rice be cause a reaction?   

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2014, 08:34:19 am »
Rice always made my DS vomit which I found odd. I only tried baby rice once or twice, didn't want any as we didn't do purees but my mum brought some round so I tried it and he vommed. Tried those dry rice crackers (a few times), he gagged, swallowed some hacked it back up, and then vommed.  Tried rice pudding (made thick and chilled into fingers for finger food), he vommed. Gave up on rice and to this day he cannot eat rice. As he is older has a huge variety of foods and likes to try new foods there have been a couple of times he has asked to try a bit of rice and although he hasn't vommed I can see the disgust on his face once it is in his mouth, usually has to spit it back out, if offered he just says no he doesn't like it.  In that sense I think there can be almost anything that a child *truly* doesn't like and perhaps he is responding to something in his body/intuition telling him this particular food isn't good for him.  I had never considered rice as being a food to cause any reaction.

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2014, 09:53:18 am »
Fwiw my niece is allergic to rice. She has fpies - food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome. Rice makes her projectile vomit for days. She is 13mths old.

Dache you can totally feed your lo however best works for the both of you... fx you work out what foods are bothering her quickly xx

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2014, 10:22:47 am »
Wow, I've never heard of that. I am really amazed rice can have such a dramatic effect...and glad I don't force my DS to eat it.

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2014, 15:08:43 pm »
Rice is not supposed to be a very reactive food, hence why it is recommended as a first food. If you are worried by all means take it out - along with the egg and toms for a week. I would have said that this would give the rash a chance to start clearing if it is one of those three things. If not - then start to cut more  :P

FWIW teething can create acid and so it is common for LOs to get rashes with teething - it might not be food at all!

Offline dache

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2014, 15:57:34 pm »
Yeah, I think there are new teeth coming but she didnt had rush with the other two.
She has diarrhea today. Which in a way I find good. I was surprised to smell poop without seeing her pushing in pain.
And I know diarrhea is also a sign of teething but I dont think it is.  :-\

@mycatmonet Wow,thats a lot. No she is not projectile vomited in a while. This was something new.

Im guessing these reactions are considered small/mild reactions, right?

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Re: BLW not going well, can I start over?
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2014, 16:01:30 pm »
Im guessing these reactions are considered small/mild reactions, right?

Well, yes but as a mum something you want to get to the bottom of right? - literally! ;) ;)

If they were full blown allergies then you would see vomiting, hives, swellings etc.