Maybe this belongs in food allergies or CRC so mods feel free to move it.
Im thinking that BLW was not the best idea for my lo
Today she had stringy bits on her poop which was a little less dry then usual (to me this means that under normal circumstances she would have had diarrhea, or am I wrong

). And in the past two weeks she has a nappy rush with redness all around it.The redness faded away and just as the rush started to dry off today I noticed that its back again, the rush and the redness.
She also has a few red dotes on her face here and there that come and go. And red cheeks form time to time(which I didnt knew is a symptom).
It does sound like a allergic reaction, right?
Since she is not eating any dairy, or meat I wanted to give her as diverse diet as possible so in the past 3 days she had eggs, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, rice, pasta, squash, green bean, apple, baby rice, dry apricot, plums, toast.....
The green bean was introduced today and after a day of screaming Im going to wait a while to give it again. But you can see why I dont know what is she reacting to?
She is 9 months now. Can I start over? Introducing solids like its for the first time. Pureed apple, plums then baby rice....then potatoes?