Aaaaaaaargh! Driving me nuts. I don't get it (and I'm tired

So the day before yesterday R fell asleep out and about DH tells me (11.15-11.45). I wasn't surprised, she'd had NN the day before and was awake by at least 5.30am. On the basis of the EW and her mood

I put her to bed at 6.30pm. She was out like a light.
I don't know exactly what time she woke yesterday but I first heard her around 5.30, this was after a 12.50 am NW. She is still in a nappy at night. I think we could sort that out if we can fix the sleep as she's more often than not dry. However the NW was her doing a huge wee which she thought had leaked (hadn't) but I think the sensation woke her. Changed her and back to bed. So then as I say, I heard her around 5.30. She was tired and bad tempered yesterday and her behaviour isn't shocking but she's just hard being hard work, sigh.
Yesterday - no nap. BT 6pm (out like a light). SSTN. Called me at 5.40am - got a bogie, need a tissue (so goodness knows what time she woke) and them
Called me again at 6.40 for something or another.
I just don't get it. Why is she waking so early? It doesn't matter it would seem if she's napping or not. We set to go to see my mum today so will be in the car for a bit, and she will
I have no doubt fall asleep because of nn yesterday and the ew today.
Is this normal? Am I missing something?
H x