Author Topic: Thirsty little LO  (Read 2151 times)

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Thirsty little LO
« on: October 08, 2014, 10:28:55 am »
Hi there,

I recently started introducing solids with my 7 month LO.  We are using the BLW approach and so far it is going quite well... she seems to enjoy exploring and sampling the different solids we place before her.

Since beginning solids...bedtimes have become pretty horendous!  Before this, she was going to sleepw without too much of a fuss, and she could definitely get herself to sleep. Now we do the bedtime routine (feed, bath, bed) just like always and then she cries and cries.  I remain in the room and try to verbally console her.......I have done this for a max of 50 min.  The thing is, she frequently does fall asleep and then within a minute waes up crying again, this might happen 4-5 times, before she is fully awake and then screaming loudly again.  When I pick her up again she continues to cry, when I remove her from the room, she continues to cry.  It is only when I feed her, that she stops.  She seems to be taking a good feed I am wondering if her fluid requirements are higher since starting solids.  I looked at the sample schedule in the FAQ's for baby's her age and I see they have the feeds placed 4 hours apart... just as I have been doing.  Anyways, what are your thoughts about hydration and solids?
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Re: Thirsty little LO
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 18:29:56 pm »
Sounds like she might be OT, tbh.   Feeding is very calming and a nice way for BF babies to sleep so I'm not surprised she goes off.  Perhaps have a think about routine too. 

The usual thing is to maintain feeds as normal, and offer water in a cup with meals (whatever sort of cup you like).  Would you consider a top-up feed before bed/after bath?  I didn't find that hydration needs changed much with introducing solids (we did BLW too, such fun!).  Of course, there should be no added salt in her food - I'm sure there isn't - but just because you think she's thirsty, I'm mentioning it. 
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Thirsty little LO
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2014, 20:37:08 pm »
I also wondered about possible salty foods making her thirsty.

Tracy also suggested some LOs might like a milk top up after solid foods to quench their thirst and help wash the food down. We always did water in a free-flow sippy though.

My first choice would be to try a feed after the bath. We always feed immediately before BT but not to sleep usually.
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Re: Thirsty little LO
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2014, 08:23:24 am »
Tracy also suggested some LOs might like a milk top up after solid foods to quench their thirst and help wash the food down
This. I found in the early days with my LO (also BLW) he needed another milk drink at the end of his solids meal, it didn't go on too long though.
If there is a solids feed towards the end of the day this could possibly be preventing her taking the amount of milk she wants before BT too, maybe look at offering the finger food in the earlier half of the day and see how that goes?

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Re: Thirsty little LO
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2014, 12:06:05 pm »
Thank you for your wonderful suggestions!
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