Author Topic: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles  (Read 5071 times)

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2014, 11:10:05 am »
Apologies for not replying.. It's been hectic.. Nw ew and cranky boy.. Not sure what I'm doing just trying to get thru the day.. He is refusing naps now and won't settle so I have to apop him to sleep now.. Still only getting 30m.. I've noticed if his A is 5hrs I can't resettle him but I can if his A is closer to 5.5hrs.. Do you think this means anything? Do you think he's use to 30m now? I'm not even getting 45m anymore.

I tried to follow A times but I think coz of the ew and early naps it's slowly getting worse ..I think like you said in your last post I'll be forced to go back to set naps.. I know I haven't given it long enough but I think I have to do something else.. What do you think?

I was thinking of slowly pushing.. If he sleeps well tonight maybe hold this for a few days
07:30 WU
12:45 nap asleep by (5hr15m A)
13:15 WU
07:00 BT asleep by (5hr45m A)

Let me know your thoughts. X

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2014, 15:00:28 pm »
I've noticed if his A is 5hrs I can't resettle him but I can if his A is closer to 5.5hrs.. Do you think this means anything?

Then maybe you should run with a 5.5 hr A time. The aim of the game is to get as much sleep into him as possible in the 24 hour period, so if there is a chance of resettling with the latter, I'd go with it.

Do you think he's use to 30m now?

No, I think it's down to OT, and he will go back to a good length nap when caught up.

Hard to map out a plan without knowing if resettling will work, but maybe go with 5.5 A time, see what nap he gives you, and stick with a shorter day, in the hope a decent night will help him CU, despite short naps.

What do you think  ???


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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2014, 21:48:19 pm »
I think that sounds like a great plan! I'll try it over the next few days and will report back! Thanks for sticking with me! Xx

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2014, 11:02:45 am »
I think that sounds like a great plan! I'll try it over the next few days and will report back! Thanks for sticking with me! Xx

Good luck and my pleasure, I hope you're not disappointed mine are the only eyes on this, I know it can be good to get other perspectives. If you would like more eyes you could always start a new thread with an outline of what has happened so far and I can just keep watch for others helping you.



Offline Hellomama

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2014, 12:00:00 pm »
You're too sweet! Def not disappointed, you have been wonderful and have given me a lot to think about! I think it will just come down to trial and error and once I've done that I'll try another thread. I've been looking back on his sleep for the last few months in hopes for clues but I've confused myself even more haha. He hasn't been napping well since 15 months which was around 5hr A so surely by now his A must be longer at 20 months. It looks like I pushed his A but never got a stable nap time. It made me think about how you suggested 5hrs A but these past few days it just seems like it's too short. I'll just have to start with that and up the A til I hit the sweet spot. Or if it comes to it accept that 30m is all he will nap. Thanks again for your time! Tho don't be surprised if I msg you again in a day or two in a panic haha xx

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2014, 19:35:56 pm »
I've been looking back on his sleep for the last few months in hopes for clues but I've confused myself even more haha.

Oh yes, looking back at things used to blow my mind!  :o ::)

He hasn't been napping well since 15 months which was around 5hr A so surely by now his A must be longer at 20 months.

I am sure that is the case, but IME what happens is A time needs extending, but things beyond your control like teething, regressions for eg are thrown into the mix, then you're in OT territory. Some LO's respond to shortening A times to help CU, but others won't ie: despite OT the A time still needs to be a decent length, and you are spot on, it is trial and error. I know a lot of BW who just don't have the patience for chopping and changing and find it easier to stick with set WU, set nap, set BT and just wait it out. It is so often a matter of needing just one really long night, or 1 super nap which acts as a springboard for putting things right. It will happen and I hope it is sooner rather than later. I think considering all you have tried so far, your plan to keep A time at 5.5 to nap is a good one. I hope he is still STTN, because if that is consistent there is every chance that he will be able to sleep through that 30 minute mark soon.

Lots of Love.x.

Offline Hellomama

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2014, 02:29:02 am »
Thanks again for reassuring me. I think the 5.5 A is helping his nights as he isn't nw as much. When I get the super nap or STTN, what time should I make his A ? 5.45hr or 6hr? Or pick that set nap time I want and stick to set WU nap and BT?
Thanks x

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2014, 07:38:19 am »
When I get the super nap or STTN, what time should I make his A ? 5.45hr or 6hr?

That would be your opportunity to go for the ideal BT, whatever that is. But I recommend you watch him like a hawk for sleep signs. Sleep begets sleep and often they are far more tired after a CU night, so it's a fine balance IYKWIM  ??? Long enough to get a good night, but not long enough to undo the good lol. Hmm really helpful eh  ??? In short, I am sure you can make a good call, but his temperament and his sleepy signs


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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2014, 02:49:29 am »
I had 2 STTN and had to wake him at 7:40am. Yesterday I went for 5.5A figured keep it the same see how we went but now he only slept 25m! (Nap was at 1:10pm) today again at 7:40am WU and I thought boy does he look tired and just wanted to see if he would sleep earlier but again 25m! (Nap at 1pm 5hr20m A) . So... STTN and had to be woken and a nap at 5.5A or less gives me 25m nap. Is it too soon to conclude that I need to push him?

You're right about sleep begets sleep. He looked so tired after a full night of sleep that it confused me even more. Maybe I should do 5hr40m hold for 3 days then increase by 10m every 3 days. I hope I don't stuff this up! Haha

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2014, 07:33:18 am »
I had 2 STTN and had to wake him at 7:40am.

Fabulous  ;D

Is it too soon to conclude that I need to push him?

No, I think you're spot on there, and it could be time to push. IIWM I would just push for 6 hours now. Like I said though, I never really stuck with the 10 min increments at this age, because I found it wasn't enough to give conclusive results. This is where it all becomes so contradictory isn't it  ie: technically speaking with good nights, he should have lengthened his nap and gone down earlier, but even though OT, often the A times still need to be longer than you would think. The 5.5 A time was mainly because his nights were shorter, but my guess is he can handle 6 again now  :-\ :-\.

ou're right about sleep begets sleep. He looked so tired after a full night of sleep that it confused me even more.

Always the way, when they start to CU they seem shattered, but that is great, he is on the CU roll now, and hopefully if you push the nap and he still only sleeps 25 mins, his nights will remain long enough to continue to CU and eventually his nap will lengthen, it is scary though I know, and hard to take that leap of faith when he looks so ready/tired.

As always this is just what I would have done, but your Son, your instincts remain supreme Honey :) This really is 'typical' 18 month sleep regression behaviour. Have you seen the support thread  ??? It would make for interesting reading for you  ;).

18 month sleep regression support thread - Part 2

Thoughts  ???

Finger's crossed for a good day.x.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 07:37:28 am by Sammysmammy »

Offline Hellomama

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2014, 08:59:46 am »
Going straight to 6hrs sounds a lot more painless coz I was thinking that 10m pushes are doing to drive me nuts and not show me any results just like u said.

If I go to 6hrs now..
WU 7:30
Nap 1:30 - 3 (heres to dreaming)
BT 7:30

If he only sleeps 25-30m should I just do EBT and hope that it works itself out? Or again.. Decide if I want to resettle him and apop..?

If nothing changes in 10 - 14 days do I push another 10m?

Yup I've read the 18mth regression pages overrrr and ooover and have tried some of the suggestions but just never had any luck..

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2014, 19:20:23 pm »
If I go to 6hrs now..
WU 7:30
Nap 1:30 - 3 (heres to dreaming)
BT 7:30

What was his routine before this regression  ??? I can't find it if you said on this thread.

I ask because with a 1.5 hour nap, I would usually think a longer than 12 hour day is in order or you could get EW. Are you thinking of this routine just while he catches up and then lengthen  ???


Offline Hellomama

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2014, 09:00:04 am »
Hi, oh yes my apologies, def only while he catches up, if he does 1.5hrs then bedtime would be at 8pm.

I went to 6hrs A (1:30pm nap) like you suggested ..held my breath and he slept for 45m and couldn't be resettled. Def better than 25m but what does this mean? I'll try the same nap time tomorrow and see how he goes. Fingers crossed.. Feeling positive!


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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2014, 11:16:33 am »
I went to 6hrs A (1:30pm nap) like you suggested ..held my breath and he slept for 45m

Great that's better!  ;D  every little helps.

what does this mean?

LOL You're favourite question, you remind me of me Hun  ;) I'd say it means 6 hours is better than 5.5  :) But I definitely wouldn't push any further.

What BT you going with  ??? 7 o clock  ???


Offline Hellomama

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Re: 19.5mo OT/UT loop nap troubles
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2014, 11:45:07 am »
Yup it's my fav question haha

Yes I'm going with 7pm but today I was running so late and he didn't go bed until 7:50 and finally settled at 8:10! Nooooooooooo fail.... Fingers crossed he sleeps until 7:30!

I won't push any further.. Today was a struggle for him but I kept him distracted.. I'll let him get use to 6hr for a while before i make another change

Thanks again for you're quick responses and all your help xoxox