Yesterday my husband and I woke the girls (21mo and 4y) at 6am to leave for our vacation. I can't complain at all about their behavior because they were absolute angels for the entire drive...12 hours total. The 21mo old napped for about an hour (usually naps 2-3hrs at home). We arrived at 6pm to check into our resort but there was a time difference we weren't aware of so it was really 5pm. By the time we checked in, ate and bathed the girls, it was 745pm (845pm usual time) when they got to bed. YDD woke just after 9pm crying and settled easily when my husband went into her room and, as far as I know, slept until 530am (630am usual time which is normal for her). She was kinda cranky, but not awful, but I know it's gonna get worse if this pattern keeps up. We are vacationing with my husband's family and we are the only ones who have our kids on a routine and put them to bed at what I think is an age-appropriate BT (630pm for YDD). Oh, and our kids are the only ones that still nap. I realize her routine cannot be followed exactly so need suggestions/advice from those who have BTDT. I want to enjoy my vacation while preserving adequate sleep so I don't end up having a monster on my hands pretty soon.