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Wi/wo every night for two hours
« on: October 11, 2014, 15:20:18 pm »
Asher is 15 months old and been on one nap for a couple of months now. Every night randomly through the night I end up having to do wi/wo for two hours. The times I pat him instead he just lays there and babbles a little. So I stop and leave after 10mins. He cries. It's not an I need you cry but after awhile he does get more upset and it can turn into one. He has a dummy which he can find himself if it's not lost or fallen out. He's in. Big boy bed.
We have white noise still.
His routine is roughly
Awake 5-5.5 hours (depending on how his night went)
Nap 1.5 hours
Awake 5-5.5 hours

He's hust gotten over a month of being sick with chicken pox and gastro but this was happening before that as well.
I'm so over this. it's 4am now and I'm in the middle of one of these wakings now.

What do I do??

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2014, 19:00:31 pm »
Hey Jo,
Does he have several NWs? Each of a couple of hours long? Or one mega-long one?  Sounds horrific for you, so tiring!

What time does his nap usually fall? What time is BT?
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2014, 19:27:55 pm »
When I have been doing WIWo, at NWs I wait until his cries are persistent as he may self settle. Then I do 10 secs in using comfort phrase, 2 mins out. And repeat askin as it takes (unless he's ill). I do at bedtime and to get to sleep at naps too. I don't ever do any patting. I think you need to pick a technique and stick with it. If you prefer to pat and reassure you could then do gradual retreat to gradually get him used to not havin that support if you prefer that?
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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2014, 20:29:48 pm »
He usually only has the one nw that's a chunk of time. He woke twice before our 2 hour stint last night, both times he had lost the dummy somewhere in his bed. Then at 3:50am he woke up and was intermittently crying so
I left him until he became really upset and went in. Gave him his dummy and left. Went back in after crying and tried patting him where he was just laying there and would occasionally babble something so I figured it was pointless me being there and after 10 mins I left. He began crying again after 5 mins and then decided to try for a bottle (he's lost weight with the gastro so thought maybe he was making up for it by wanting more food) he took yhe bottle but still didn't sleep. Gave pain relief in case of teething etc. he went quiet for 20 mins then started crying again at 5am. I went in once he began getting really upset again and said "go to sleep" did this a few times and he finally went to sleep at 5:40am (then was up at 6:20 for the day!)

I don't usually do all that stuff tho, I usually only do the wi/wo but last night I thought I would try a few different things to see if they helped.

Day routine is usually
Awake 6:30am
Nap 12ish watchingn him for tired signs til 1:30
Bedtime 6:30pm
Then his 2 hour waking can be anytime of the night. Sometimes it's early evening, the other day it was 1am - 3am and of course last night was 3:50-5:40am

He's started walking lately but he gets more than enough practise during the day, I'm fact it's pretty much all he does all day long.
I'm so freaking tired! He's basically doing 10 hours at night because of these NWs

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2014, 04:51:08 am »
at 19 months my little girl was really sick with a vomiting/diarrhoea bug. When she got better she couldn't eat enough during the day. Just wanted to eat constantly. Then she started waking for 4 hours during the night! Because of her hunger during the day after 2 nights of the 4 hour wakings i thought maybe she's hungry. So on night 3 when she woke i gave her a yogurt and bottle in her room. Maybe you're afraid it's not a habit you want him to get into att it didn't become a habit here. Anyway that night she stayed awake for 2 hours instead of 4. So while it didn't put her straight back to sleep it seemed to help. After another few nights i dropped the yogurt and just gave the bottle. Then after another few nights she started sleeping through again. It probably took 2 weeks after the illness to get back on track. I had never seen anything like how much she needed to eat though. So maybe try increasing his food intake during the day and i won't advise you to feed during the night cos i know it's not a habit you might want to start but all i can tell you is it worked for us.

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2014, 05:07:20 am »
Thanks, I tried feeding him more today, he only had a 40 min nap at church so he was in bed by 5pm and already woke by 5:45 but I gave him a few pats and left and he went back to sleep. Let's see how tonight goes. He was waking like this before the sickness however which is why I'm worried it's not related to the food

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2014, 09:39:07 am »
So it looks like tonight's waking is starting early.... 10pm, been going for 30 mins now. Trying not to go in too soon. Waiting til he's really calling for me....

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2014, 18:49:22 pm »
Well that one went for 2.5 hours and I finally got to sleep around 1am... I ended up giving him a bottle because it was absolutely ridiculous. The first 45 mins I did wi/wo and he was getting really upset.. After that it was more he would cry out every couple of mins so I wouldn't go in but I would just lay in my bed waiting for him to go to sleep. Every now and then he got worked up so I would go in and lay him down again but otherwise it was just going on and on and on.

He didn't go straight to sleep after the bottle, still called out a bit, but maybe about 10mins later. He then woke again at 5:30am for about 20 mins and I had to go back in twice to lay him down

What's going on with him??

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2014, 20:32:30 pm »
Jo, how does he go to sleep for naps and BT? Is it completely independently? Or are you getting him sleepy before putting him in the bed? Is he having a bottle before naps and BT? If he cries at BT or when you put him down for a nap are you using WIWO or some other method to settle him? Just wondering really if he started expecting more when he was ill and isn't quite back go being an independent sleeper yet.

How do you think he would be if instead of WIWO you sat outside the door and just used your voice to comfort him through the slightly open door?

Is it possible this new neediness coincided with the move to the BBB?

Also, do you know if he is typically high or low sleep needs? Just wondering of perhaps he doesn't need such a long night as 5pm seems like a super EBT.

When I have been doing WIWo, at NWs I wait until his cries are persistent as he may self settle. Then I do 10 secs in using comfort phrase, 2 mins out. And repeat askin as it takes (unless he's ill). I do at bedtime and to get to sleep at naps too. I don't ever do any patting. I think you need to pick a technique and stick with it. If you prefer to pat and reassure you could then do gradual retreat to gradually get him used to not havin that support if you prefer that?
If you are waiting 2 mins to go in rather than going in based on cries then that is controlled crying, not WIWO. With WIWO you need to assess their cries and go in if they are doing an I need you cry regardless of whether it has been 2 mins, 5 mins or 30 seconds.
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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2014, 23:47:35 pm »
He goes down for naps fine with just a bit of a cuddle and his dummy. Only bottle is at bedtime and he is awake when I put him into bed. He's been in a bbb now for two months and all this started about three weeks after that. He's transitioned fine to the bbb. I did attempt to just use my voice once or twice last night and it didn't make any difference.
He's always been just average sleep needs. He does about 11-12 hours a night and 1.5 hour naps. If he does a short nap he's then done 13-14 hours at night to make up for it.

It wouldn't bother me if this is just him returning to normal after being sick, but nothing seems to be working. The patting isn't working (when he woke at 6pm last night I pstted him maybe 15 pats and left. His eyes were still open when I left and he went back to sleep so surely if it was just a comfort thing then the patting would work later as well right?

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2014, 23:48:51 pm »
Oh and 5pm was because he had been up since 6:20am and only had a 40 min sleep which had finished at 12:15 (fell asleep at church) and he was so tired by 5pm, rubbing his eyes, getting really upset and he went straight to sleep. If he's not ready for sleep he won't fall asleep at bedtime

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2014, 23:12:12 pm »
Interesting... Yesterday went like this
Awake 6:30
Nap 12-12:50 (he was woken by a noise at preschool)
Bedtime 7pm
He woke at 10pm having a massive tantrum (which has never happened before at night) so I decided to give him a bottle right then and there. He took it and went back to sleep. Slept all night til 6:10am!!!

So I'm guessing it's real hunger after the illness after all??

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2014, 20:31:46 pm »
Yes could be.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2014, 11:06:05 am »
Nope. Last night he slept through without a bottle. Tonight he woke and I gave him a bottle and he didn't go back to sleep. It's past midnight now and I've patted him for 20mins and he just kinda lay there and moved a little every now and then. I stopped and he's started crying again. It's been half an hour since I went in there. Another night of this cr@p!!

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Re: Wi/wo every night for two hours
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2014, 11:09:49 am »
I honestly don't know what to do about this! Nothing is working and I want to scream!!!  I'm currently doing this with the worst stomach pains I've had in a long time as well so I just need him to stop this! We are going camping with our church next weekend, we simply can't go if he's like this!!!