My son is 19 weeks old. Since he was about 2 months old we've been teaching him to self-settle by putting him in his crib drowsy but awake. It got to the point where he would pretty easily fall asleep on his own, just sucking his thumb. He was sleeping 6, 7, even 8-hour stretches at night. About three days ago, it all changed. He's now waking up every 2-3 hrs at night, and he isn't napping well. I can tell he's trying to sleep -- he sucks his thumb and tries to settle, but it's as if there's a switch in his brain that just won't turn off. He'll lie in his crib with his eyes closed, utterly exhausted, but just cry and cry. When he does fall asleep, he often startles back awake within a few seconds.
I'm guessing this is the 4-month sleep regression, as nothing else has really changed about him or his schedule. The only other thing that's going on is that he's transitioning from 4 to 3 naps.
I'm just wondering if I can do anything to help him, or if this is something we have to wait out. And also, if I should be worried about props and creating habits. Is it okay if I nurse him to sleep if nothing else is working? Or if he sleeps elsewhere than in his crib? Today he fell asleep in his bouncy chair and slept for over 2 hours. We were just relieved he was sleeping at all.
I feel so sorry for him when he's struggling to sleep. I can't help wondering if I'm doing something wrong, or if there's something else I should be trying.