Help please!! DS is turning 7 months old tomorrow. He has never been a good eater. Was exclusively breast fed until last month when we started to introduce solids. I live in Brazil and first solids recommended by pediatricians here are fruit and pureed meals (vegetables, etc.) DS has always been low on weight curves, but consistently gaining weight so pediatricians have always told me not to worry at all. He just has a different "rhythm".
The caregiver, trying to help given the weight situation, started to "force" the expressed milk and food in baby's mouth. She must've done this for a few days and rightfully so, DS did not like that one bit and now seems to have an aversion to feeding in general... mostly the bottle, but won't have practically any food at all... not even from the breast.
I've put everything aside and have stayed home all day for the last 4 days to make sure DS eats only what he wants and following his "rhythm". It has gotten slightly better, where he will have at least 5 oz of milk in the afternoon and another 5 or 6 before BT. But mornings are still awful. He will be up since 6am and by noon will have nothing in his stomach other than half an ounze of milk.
What can I do to get him to eat (even if little) again? I can't stay home all day and neglect work anymore, so I need a good plan! Any ideas out there would be veeeery appreciated!!