Author Topic: 16 mth old throwing food/plates/cutlery - any tips?  (Read 7866 times)

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Offline Dovely

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16 mth old throwing food/plates/cutlery - any tips?
« on: October 22, 2014, 20:16:24 pm »

My 16 mth old constantly throws things around the dinner table - food, cutlery, drinks, plates etc. It's really annoying and I'd like him to stop but have no idea what to do about it. If it looks like he's going to throw his plate I take is away from him. He will then often 'ask' for it back - he can't talk yet so indicates. When I give it back to him he'll often eat a bit more.

He's a pretty inconsistent eater. Sometimes he's great and other times he won't touch it.

I know a bit of throwing around is very normal but I'd really like him to stop now he's getting a bit older. Surely he knows that it's not good?!

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Re: 16 mth old throwing food/plates/cutlery - any tips?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2014, 02:58:53 am »
My 14 month old does this with his actual food and it drives his Dad and I mental!!  However, we've decided that if he's throwing things around, he must be trying to tell us he's no longer interested in eating.  We ask him if he's done, with words and a hand action we use, if he doesn't respond, we offer another bite of food.  If he refuses this, or tries to toss it we say "Ok, I can see you're done.  All done! (w/ hand action)" and we clear away his food, wash hands etc. and excuse him from the table.  We continue to eat if we're not done.  It's actually been pretty effective and he rarely does it now unless he is genuinely finished.  When he does the first throwing of food, we tell him "Don't throw your food, that's rude.  Give it to Mommy/Daddy".  I'd say 8/10 times, he gives us whatever he no longer wants the next time instead of throwing it. Plus we watch him like a hawk afterwards for him trying to give us something so we can give him praise. 
It's hard sometimes, especially because he's not a big eater to start but I try to keep in mind that if he gets two decent meals out of three and has healthy snacks, he'll be ok. 

Offline Dovely73

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Re: 16 mth old throwing food/plates/cutlery - any tips?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2014, 14:21:37 pm »
Thank you for replying. I think you're right. I really need to tackle it. I think it started when he was a little baby and I've sort of forgotten that he's now quite grown up. I've also been too distracted by his older brother to really realise what's going on.

Thanks so much for your suggestion on how to tackle it. I'm going to begin tonight!

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Re: 16 mth old throwing food/plates/cutlery - any tips?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2014, 15:59:11 pm »
 I honestly believe it's a totally normal phase that all toddlers go through. I am a big believer of not using negative language, and for a more positive enviornment, I always avoided words like "no" and "Don't" and "stop".  Instead, I would tell dd "Food stays ON your tray please."  I try to always tell her what TO do, instead of what NOT to do.  Frankly, I don't think either approach cuts down on the behavior too the energy in the home was just more positive.  "Throwing is for balls, dinner stays here."

 I'd give up on a plate for a bit IIWM, and I'd give him just one or two pieces of food on his tray (or the table if he is in a booster) at a time.

 Also, if you put out a laundry basket and have him toss stuff into it, it may fill his need to test gravity, which, if you think about it, must be pretty amazing to him.   ;)

 Don't worry too much about rudeness or or bad table manners at this age. They really do learn that by modeling, by teaching, and by opportunities to join us at the table and have it be a positive experience.  My dd could drop a sandwich with the best of em at that it only lasted a little bit, she really responded to correction.  I promise it's just a phase.   :)

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Re: 16 mth old throwing food/plates/cutlery - any tips?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2014, 18:15:57 pm »
Throwing is for balls, dinner stays here."
^^ This is exactly what we used. M used to love to toss his food around. We always reminded him that he could throw a ball, his supper stayed on his plate. Typical of the age...
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Offline TB9

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Re: 16 mth old throwing food/plates/cutlery - any tips?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2014, 13:12:10 pm »
Our line is "Your food goes on your plate or in your mouth"  We have to use it with our 4yo as well because she tends to take food off her plate and move it around/play with it on the table  ::)

DD2 also throws food, her plate, or her cup, or just flips them over with food on them, as a sign that she is done eating.  We just take the food away when she gets to that point and emphasize that she can say/sign "all done" to let us know she is done.